

Responses from ozzy62

Need help with Qobuz please...
I may be wrong, but I think you are going to need a streamer of some sort going into a DAC to make Quobuz work. This can be a computer set up or dedicated streamer. Right now you are using the DAC inside the iphone. When you remove the hard wired ... 
Transitioning options from Big Maggies
I would suggest the new Spatial Audio M3 Sapphires as a very valid replacement in that price range.Oz 
Quobuz issues on the Bluos app
Ozzy, what device are you using? I am using a Node 2i. 
Green Mountain Audio Europas
The Europa is a good speaker. But it might be time to put it in the closet for the time being and move on to something better. Down the road a source for the mid driver, or  a used pair, might come along. But why be without music until then? There... 
Quobuz issues on the Bluos app
lowrider,I agree that it's a PITA. But the difference in SQ alone was enough for me to leave Tidal. I just hope they can resolve these issues and make it a better product. 
Quobuz issues on the Bluos app
I have emailed Quobuz and pretty much got the same response. And Bluesound says they are pusing an API to Quobuz, but won't say when.He says, she says..........Oz 
Quobuz issues on the Bluos app
I wish I could take a screen shot and show it to you, but alas, this is audiogon............ 
Quobuz issues on the Bluos app
I am able to alphabetize my files in Bluos. 
Quobuz issues on the Bluos app
On the Bluos app in Tidal, the drop down box in the upper right that allows you to index alphabetically does not appear when I am in Quobuz. Everything else looks identical. Are you sure that's there in Quobuz on yours? 
Wilson Audio for a 1600 sq ft space
You haven't said what you plan to drive these speakers with, or if so I missed it. A big box store receiver? 
Wilson Audio for a 1600 sq ft space
To be honest, the OP sounds like someone who values aesthetics and "trendiness" over sound quality. I really think your money is wasted on Wilson or any other quality loudspeaker considering your music preferences and entertainment goals. I assure... 
enjoy the music: how listening bars have hit the right note
As usual, kenjit has missed the point completely. But no one is surprised.It's not about everyone in the room enjoying "perfect" sound. Most of the people who would ever go to such an establishment are not "audiophiles" by any stretch. Most are ju... 
MHDT Orchid or Lampizator Amber 3?
If  you want an MHDT DAC that will do hi rez, look no further than the excellent Pagoda.Oz 
Time to move UP, speaker-wise...
I am a Spatial Audio X3 owner and I couldn’t be happier.  And the advice about visiting the Spatial forum on AC is a good idea. Lots of information if you are interested.Oz  
Black ice Audio owners, pet peaves
Written as if from a third grader. You can do better, it's not that hard. Seriously...........