

Responses from ozzy62

Bob Carver Integrated Amp
So you've heard it........ 
Help me stay with Vinyl.
I agree with some of the other posters. Digital audio has progressed to a point that it is very competitive with vinyl. To my ears, they both have wonderful traits that are just different. They will never sound the same no matter how much money yo... 
Florida Audio Expo 2020 - What did you think?
Did anybody see the Spatial Audio room (605)? Thoughts?Oz 
Axe to grind know it alls
Millercarbon I knew there was something about you I liked......... :-)Oz 
Axe to grind know it alls
It’s up to each one of us to recognise Trumpian postings as I’m sure most of us do with the other items of misinformation. Buyer or in this case reader beware.Boy you couldn’t resist?Lets just hope no one in this thread gets "suicided" by Hillary.... 
Suggestions for a top flight streamer/Dac around the $2000 mark?
That's the one I bought. 
Suggestions for a top flight streamer/Dac around the $2000 mark?
So have you compared USB to other inputs on your DAC? I have a cheap monoprice cable coming tomorrow to try between my Lumin and MHDT DAC. I am more curious than anything never having used USB into a DAC before.Oz 
Suggestions for a top flight streamer/Dac around the $2000 mark?
I lean more of the side of the DAC making all the difference, and the streamer is more of what user interface you prefer. Use whatever cable looks and feels best too, that is always my preference! :) If you believe that why wouldn't you just us... 
Focal Kanta Sale
Apparently these are new speakers......... 
Sbooster LPS for Lumin U1 mini?
Bumping this up for any other opinions on an LPS for a streamer. Doesn't have to be the one I own. Anybody have experience with any of them?Oz 
Streamer opinion.. Pease comment on validity.
Since my name was mentioned I will say that I did NOT test the servers blindly. I did some quick A/B comparisons on some familiar tracks. But in the end it was long term listening for pleasure that best bore out the differences. Same as it should ... 
Tekton vs. Salk Sound?
FOCALS ARE SHRILLY CRAP COMPARED TO SALK !  Spoken (shouted) by someone I'm sure has never heard the new Focals.You should get out more and post less........ 
Home Theater Done Right: Millercarbon's System
All of these posts are making my point. I never said the OP's system couldn't sound good with movies and music. I'm sure it does. All I said is that when you combine the two, there are compromises to be made. Anyone who thinks otherwise is delusio... 
Home Theater Done Right: Millercarbon's System
HT experts will tell you that you need to have the left/right speakers set up so that the image is continuous when panned across the stage - to the center speaker - and to the other speaker. Which means they will be flanking the screen somewhat ti... 
Home Theater Done Right: Millercarbon's System
Well there's this.Let's not even consider the electronics, which is also a factor.But if you position your speakers so that they are optimized for two channel listening, they will NOT be optimized for HT. Now as long as you know that one or the ot...