

Responses from ozzy62

enjoy the music: how listening bars have hit the right note
As usual, kenjit has missed the point completely. But no one is surprised.It's not about everyone in the room enjoying "perfect" sound. Most of the people who would ever go to such an establishment are not "audiophiles" by any stretch. Most are ju... 
MHDT Orchid or Lampizator Amber 3?
If  you want an MHDT DAC that will do hi rez, look no further than the excellent Pagoda.Oz 
Time to move UP, speaker-wise...
I am a Spatial Audio X3 owner and I couldn’t be happier.  And the advice about visiting the Spatial forum on AC is a good idea. Lots of information if you are interested.Oz  
Black ice Audio owners, pet peaves
Written as if from a third grader. You can do better, it's not that hard. Seriously........... 
Black ice Audio owners, pet peaves
Do you actually read what you type before you push the "post your response" button............. 
Amazon just killed Tidal
I tried Quobuz and dropped it after a week. Yes, it sounds pretty good. But for my tastes, there were many holes in their catalog. Some I could live without, but others I am not willing to sacrifice.And if you are using the Bluos app, you cannot i... 
Dynaudio Contour 30 vs. Focal Kanta No. 2 speaker
I can't speak to the Dynaudio, but I have a friend with the Kantas. They are excellent performers in his largish room. Easily some of the best sound he's had. He's driving them with an Arcam integrated amplifier and using a Naim cdp. Very nice.Oz 
Bluesound Node 2i vs Upscale streamers
It actually sounds quite good, wondering how much better the Node 2i will sound. Well you can bet your ass that most anything will sound better than youtube through a cable box.That said, the performance of the Node will greatly improve if you ... 
Klipsch K Horns (the new AK6)
If you ever hear a pair of Khorns in an appropriate room being driven by good amplification and a good front end, you will realize that most people that poo poo them have an axe to grind. They are capable of world class sound if you have any sensi... 
Hidden Gems in Pre-Owned Solid State Power Amplifiers?
Parasound HCA series. John Curl design. Still sounds like magic. From early 90’s and can be had for a bargain. I had an HCA 2200 II back in the mid 90s. When I brought in a McCormack DNA-1 it made the Parasound sound broken. I almost lost the ... 
Plinius SA103
I had an SA-103 a few years ago. I thought it was a great sounding SS amp. Ultimately I am a tube guy and moved it on, but if solid state is your thing, it's hard to go wrong with that one.Oz 
Canary Audio Tube amps
I had a pair of Canary CA-160 tube monoblocks several years ago. They sounded really good with my not so tube friendly Piega P10 speakers.One day an output transformer blew. Canary wanted almost as much to repair as the amps were worth. They could... 
Klipsch speaker choices
I had a pair of Cornscala "C" version a few  years ago. They were pretty good speakers, I did ALK crossovers, damped the mid horn and the rear panel. But there was still a slight "boxy" sound to the lower mids and upper bass. It didn't show up on ... 
Bluesound Node 2i vs Upscale streamers
Thanks for the replies. I already have a 2i running into a heavily modified MHDT Pagoda. I am running it wired with Ethernet to my network, streaming Tidal and my own files. I think it sounds pretty good, just wondering where to go from here. 
Blown away with 2 speakers hifi sound!
I stand by what I said. If you are listening to speakers instead of listening to the music, you are indeed doing it wrong.Oz