

Responses from ozzy62

Looking to replace my Squeezebox Touch
Hard to beat a Bluesound Node 2I for around five bills.......Oz 
Home Theater Done Right: Millercarbon's System
Home Theater done right means that your serious music listening system is in another room.That is all......Oz 
Anyone who attends should visit room 605 and check out Clayton's new M3 Sapphires.Oz 
Streamer opinion.. Pease comment on validity.
Maybe a couple of real world a/b’s betweenStreamers hooked to the same DAC? Yeah I just did this. Compared a Node 2i to a Lumin U1 mini. As good as the node is, the Lumin is better. More transparent and natural to my ears. I know it's 4 times a... 
Basic Tidal streamer to USB DAC
I don't get streamers. I re-clock the usb data coming out of the pc. I use Tidal's player into an NOS dac, done. Two reasons.1) They sound better2) It gets a computer out of the signal chain. 
Signal break up on 7 month old Bluesound Node 2i
Your best investment would be to separate home theater from 2 channel. Far better than worrying about DACs, Tidal, etc.......Oz 
Moving up from a Node 2i
Just to be clear. If the improvement I heard out of the box was all there was,I wouldn't have spent the $$ either. That said, after some hours on the Lumin the improvement was great enough to justify the expense. If I only had 500.00 to spend on a... 
Ive recieved an offer for my set of Aerial 7T speakers of $700.00. Should I accept?
I had a pair of Aerial 7Bs for about a week. Only long enough to turn them around and out the door. I wouldn’t give you 700.00 for a pair. But good luck with your sale.Oz 
Moving up from a Node 2i
Update.After allowing the Lumin U1 mini to burn in for around 100 hours the gap widened between it and the Node 2i. I believe the Lumin is more transparent and tonally more natural than the Node. I am keeping the U1 mini and selling the Node. It's... 
Moving up from a Node 2i
hilde45I think the Node 2i does a wonderful job at it’s price point. I will put mine back in the system soon to compare to my Lumin.Oz 
Any time I've heard Levinson amps they were sterile and lifeless. I think you can do better for 2500.00.Oz 
Vandersteen 5a, 15 years old vs. new Vandersteen Quatro Wood (upgrade or downgrade)
Crickets indeed.No, I am no vandersteen set up expert. I don't even play one on tv, nor did I stay in a Holiday Inn last night.But I want either of you to tell me that you can get 100%, hell even 90% of what the 5a is capable of in a room that siz... 
Moving up from a Node 2i
Well it just arrived late yesterday. I found out that Lumin strongly recommends running minim server on the NAS, so I downloaded that and found my library while waiting on the delivery.Setup was painless, even easier than the Node. I have it runni... 
Moving up from a Node 2i
My Lumin U1 mini arrives tomorrow. The game is afoot........ 
What creates the effortlessness in sound reproduction?
Efficiency is key!And nice shameless plug Peter. Do better, please........Oz