

Responses from ozzy62

Metrum Acoustics Pavane Level 1 vs. other NOS dacs
I will certainly do that after I get it, Just bought it on US Audio Mart yesterday. I almost went for the Tubadour myself, but the Pavane seems like more bang for the buck on the used market. 
What is it.........
Sorry, I cannot relate to this post. I cannot think of a single instance where any music played on an inferior system, much less a radio, was more moving, compelling, soulful, etc. than on my finest system. Imo, emotion or soul of the song is no... 
Spatial Audio open baffle speakers, who has them? Worthwhile change from Maggies?
Did those speakers come Uber? 
Streaming Qubuz - take it to the next level.
If you haven't already, hard wire the Node to your network.As a next step I would look at a better streamer. I replaced a Node 2i with a Lumin U1 mini and it was a pretty nice upgrade. As an FYI, all Lumin products require being hard wired.Oz 
Wilson Audio WATT/PUPPY or Gershman Grand Avant Garde?
15 x 30 is a pretty good sized room. A lot of speakers should work in there.Oz 
Spatial Audio open baffle speakers, who has them? Worthwhile change from Maggies?
The bass of the X3 is definitely an area that improves with hours. The definition is there from the start, but the impact and depth come later.Oz 
Spatial Audio open baffle speakers, who has them? Worthwhile change from Maggies?
Your X5s will sound drastically better with more hours. My X3s continued to noticeably break in well over the 300 hour mark. If you think they sound good now, just wait......Oz 
Spatial Audio open baffle speakers, who has them? Worthwhile change from Maggies?
4 to 6 weeks wait....😱😱😱😱😱 I thought Clayton had a demo pair ready to ship? Why the wait?For the same price  you could buy the pair that MorganC has on Audio Circle.Oz 
Spatial Audio open baffle speakers, who has them? Worthwhile change from Maggies?
Ahh, a fellow X3 owner. I’m a happy camper with mine as well.Not to hijack the thread, but how many hours do you have on them?Oz 
Anybody have Focal Kanta 2
I have a friend who has a pair driving them with an Arcam integrated amp. I think they sound very good. Very smooth and engaging, never harsh or bright.Oz 
Speakers that reveal bad recordings? Not for me.
2 posts and you feel like you have to revive a 12 yr old thread?Nice debut! 
Moving up from a Node 2i
This begs the question, why are you using the app on a Mac, or any computer for that matter? The Bluos app works great on a tablet. I was using a Samsung Tab A with great results.Oz 
Hunting Unicorns
Just be aware that if you go down the Lumin road that the interface works much better on iOS than Android. I have tried both and can attest to that.Oz 
Somebody knows these speakers brand and model?
Yes, alas, Audiogon is about 5 generations behind in forum design.Oz 
Satisfaction report on Klipsch
Ok brainwave.You said you owned RF82s for many years and enjoyed them. And they disappointed you "from the moment I turned them on".Try to keep up.