

Responses from nrenter

Green Mountain Audio Eos
If you're really interested, give Roy a call and see what he can do. There may be an owner in your area who would allow you give their speakers / system a listen. Now, I highly doubt you'll find anyone with a set of Eos', but the Callistos will gi... 
Suggestions needed. Speaker audition...Dallas?
I really enjoy John Fort Audio. While their showrooms aren't as fancy as many others (unless they've changed since my last visit), it's the best place if you want to let the systems speak for themselves.My first visit, I walked in with a stack of ... 
Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?
I bought an Ayre CX-7e and I haven't listened to this much digital since I bought my first turntable (about 5 years ago). I'm actually buying CDs again.I'm kind of embarassed to say this, but I really didn't think I'd actually use it when I bought... 
totem model one signature with ayre ax7e?
I can't imagine the AX-7e would have too little power for your needs. Your Totems are 4 Ohms nominal, and the AX-7e doubles-down at 4 Ohms. Also, remember using the balanced outputs of the CX-7e will net you +6 dB over the single-ended inputs.I do... 
Westwood One Radio LPs
If I had a chance to dig through a couple of boxes of WWO concerts, I'd be in heaven. One of my favorites was an REM recording (I think it was Orlando, April 30, 1989). The way Orange Crush was captured was amazing. I'm a huge REM fan, and the WWO... 
Your First Concert was.....
I'm not embarassed to admit my first concert was...Styx during the "Mr. Roboto" tour. I was in 3rd grade. I bought a hat and a jersey shirt to prove it, too.Too bad I couldn't go see Loverboy. I was jealous of my friends who did. "Get Lucky" was a... 
The synergy of Ayre a.k.a. the
I guess I should bring this thread back full circle...I went with the Ayre AX-7e / CX-7e / P-5xe combo, but decided to go with a pair of Green Mountain Audio Callisto speakers. I was afraid that my room would be too small for a pair of Vandersteen... 
Suggestions needed. Speaker audition...Dallas?
I drove 4 1/2 hours and willing paid list for all my Ayre gear just so I didn't have to patronize Audio Concepts in Dallas. Eldarado's assessments are pretty spot-on for dealers.Sounds like what you're looking for can be found in a pair of Green M... 
Vandersteen 5a vs. B&W 802D vs. Maggie 3.6 vs.?
The Maggies don't do rock. The B&Ws need some juice to make them sound best. The 5a's sound about right. However, given your requirements, you may want to also check out a pair of Green Mountain Audio Calypsos. You're gonna have to work to bea... 
Are passive preamps better?
By the way, an integrated amp or a receiver essentially has a passive preamp in it (without the external interconnects).Like the Ayre AX-7e. 
Teres Audio Verus Direct Couples Motor, Anyone?
I've got a Verus motor, but haven't had a chance to really play with it, other than set it up. It was a whip to set the O-ring so it would roll smoothly and didn't produce a "heart beat". With enough messin', it's now at a point where you don't he... 
All about the bass
If your budget is now around $7k, the Vandersteen Quatro will give you the best of both worlds (given the integrated powered sub with 11 bands of EQ). However, I still would budget $1k for room treatments. It will be some of the best money spend o... 
N802 + Velodyne DD-18???
IMHO, if you need a sub with N802s, either you're not using the right amp or you're using the N802s in an application where you would be better suited to use other speakers with a sub.Again, just my opinion. I could be wrong. My wife often tells m... 
Tonearm recomendations
Sorry. I'm not being snobby. I just don't understand exactly what you're asking. 
Teres still the way to go?
Thom,I appreciate the update. There are worse things in life than success, but that doesn't mean it's an easy thing to handle. Contrats!Just curious...Do your platters fit a Teres bearing? I'd be interested in performing a platter shoot out someti...