

Responses from nrenter

Thinking of selling my Teres
No offence implied, but you're not going to be able to sell that table for what it is "worth". You have far too much of your soul invested in that table. If you are looking for *better* sound, then call up Chris and order a new platter, and then l... 
tube friendly speaker rec
I bet the GMA Eos would be killer. If you go that direction, post your thoughts. 
Has anyone tried modifying a CX-7e?
Steve McCormack is an example of a designer who does endorse modifications. The reason I suggest asking Charles directly is 1) he is a straight shooter and will have (and probably provide) a better perspective than anyone else, and 2) unless Charl... 
This is the way to release an album on vinyl...
I really like it when you get the CD included with the LP. I love listening to my vinyl collection, but I "get into" my new music while driving between Dallas and Houston. Sure, Spoon gives you a certificate that allows you to download "Ga..." fro... 
Has anyone tried modifying a CX-7e?
Charles often participates over at the 'asylum, and I'm sure he'd personnally weigh in on this. 
Teres 260 or Galibier Serac?
Chris,What has the response been to your new platters? In case you were wondering...my Verus will *not* be returned. 
Balanced Cables
If you didn't prefer the balanced cable, may I ask if your source and target components were fully-balanced in design (note - simply having an XLR connector does not imply a fully-balanced design).Just curious. 
Thoughts on "EL-Cheapo" LP flattener?
Over the Christmas holidays, I had bought a couple of new (sealed) LPs in Omaha, Nebraska only to find out (once I got back to Texas) the vinyl looked like it was stored next to a space heater. I got tired of calling back to the record store tryin... 
GMA Callisto's: Opinions
The aesthetics of the Callistos aren't as striking in person. And since you are seeking "immediacy, imaging, tonal accuracy, details w/o being harsh, and decent bass" you owe it to yourself to check these out.If I was thinking of buying a used set... 
GMA Callisto feedback Green Mountain Audio
Either here on Audiogon or start calling dealers to see if they have stock they are looking to move (since they are now a discontinued model). 
Teres 260 or Galibier Serac?
I don't think you will go wrong with either choice.However, after owning a belt-driven Teres in the past, I found some things that I didn't like about the belt-driven design (namely the stretching of the belt-splice over time and the audible sound... 
Balanced Cables
Cables with XLR connectors are balanced cables.A balanced cable has 3 identical conductors which terminate to the 3 pins you see on the XLR connector. PIN 1 is GROUND (same as the outer ring on an RCA plug), PIN 2 is the normal SIGNAL (same as the... 
Why I sell
I don't think anyone should have to justify why you are selling & it makes me laugh when I see an ad with various reasons why as if there should be some sort of guilt associated with it. It's not necessarily guilt...it's called "marketing". Mo... 
Tweeking further for the denon 103r.
Has anyone cryo'ed a Denon 103R? 
Best Integrated Amplifier Made at the USA
Check out the Ayre AX-7e. Even with the price increase, this integrated is still a bargain.