

Responses from nrenter

Help rotel pops when turning on and off
Don't turn it off.Yes, I'm a problem solver. That's just what I do. 
Vinyl vs. top-notch digital
Jeff,If you do decided to try an analog front end (and spend comparitive dollars to do so), do not forget (IMHO) two of the most important components of an analog front end - proper set-up and a good record cleaning machine (or process).A poorly s... 
Origin Live cartridge setup with Wally Tractor
Yes, there are slots in the OL Silver. 
adding a sub
There's rationale behind that choice, not mysticism.You are right, there is rationale...it's called THX specifications.If I may quote:It is the product of much development, and, when used in concert with THX speakers (or others which exhibit the c... 
adding a sub
What you will find is there are many ways to connect a sub (or a pair of subs). My perfered way is different than Kal's.I prefer to use subs with speaker level connections - you connect the subs to the same binding posts on the back of your amps (... 
Your vinyl guilty pleasure???
My latest guilty pleasure is the Christina Aguilera "Back to Basics" 3 Record Album Set (Book Type Cover, #1306). Snagged this gently used (quite minty, actually) treasure at Half Price Books for a mere $16.00 over Memorial Day weekend.I kinda enj... 
How Happy Am I Gonna Be??
You would be happier if you bought two and sent one to me. 
Onkyo fans favorites
I love my Onkyo TX-820. However, it could stand to have a bit of maintenance (cap replacement, etc). Any suggestions on who could give my beloved receiver some TLC? It's been (almost literally) powered up and playing since 1989. 
NAD C372 & Gallo Ref 3.1
Katee,Here's my advice...take it for whatever you will.I have no idea where you live, but if you happen to be near a Gallo dealer, simply stop in and listen to a modest system that features the 3.1's. This way you can take full advantage of a deal... 
Speakers for a smaller room/moving issues...
With respect to "compromising in terms of a listening room size", I stand by my original response.The key to getting good sound within a small room is 1) recognizing the issues with the room, 2) addressing those issues with the room, and 3) design... 
Dead Can Dance on SACD
I couldn't help myself...I had to pre-order the 9 disc set. 
Shout out to REM Tour
Run, do not walk, to buy "Boxer" by The National. "Boxer" has become an instant classic in my mind. Give it 3 or 4 listens before making a jusdgement. This is coming from a huge REM fan. Back in high school (late 80's) I was told by a friend that ... 
Need New Speakers
I'll second the GMA suggestion. Used Callistos are an incredible bargain. I'm looking forward to hearing a set of the Eos HD. Jerry is also right that the Callistos look better in person than in the pictures. I'd also bet that it's the time / phas... 
Speakers for a smaller room/moving issues...
The key to getting good sound within a small room is 1) recognizing the issues with the room, 2) addressing those issues with the room, and 3) designing a system that is synergistic with the realities of that room. My system / setup is a prime exa... 
What Vinyl quality should I be using?
While this takes the thread way off topic...I believe the DD process is very good (albeit labor intensive) and I use it as my primary cleaning approach. However, afterwards, I vacuum the still-wet LP with a DIY attachment to my ShopVac. I have to ...