

Responses from nrenter

Whatever happened to Straight Wire?
Level 3 and 4 in the SW line can absolutely hold its own against classic brands and most newcomers all day long.I don't know if I'd agree with this statement. I didn't shed a tear when I sold off my Encore II interconects for (I believe) a less ex... 
Micro Fiber Cloth for Record Cleaning
I have not...my next stop will probably be Walmart to see what they have in-stock. 
Micro Fiber Cloth for Record Cleaning
Ummm...I would definately *not* recommend the Evercare lint brush for use on LPs. I'm looking for a cheaper alternative for the Disc Doc pads, and ran down to Walgreens to see if this would be an acceptable solution.Before I used this brush on any... 
Green Mountain Audio Eos
Roy has sent me the brand-new Eos HD brochure, and said I was welcome to distribute it to anyone interested. PM me if you'd like a copy. More information will be posted to the GMA website throughout early June.Note - I am *not* a dealer...just a G... 
Green Mountain Audio Eos
Hey Batthatman...Any insights? I see GMA has updated their home page. 
Which TT Music Hall 5.1 or Rega P1 or P2
After owning a Music Hall MMF5 and performing a direct shootout with a Rega P25 (with RB1000 arm, I believe), I would recommend the Technics SL1210 M5G from KAB. 
What's a good beginner turntable at $2500+- range?
Denver?!?!? Give Thom a call at Galibier Design or Chris at Teres Audio and see what they could do for you within your budget. You may even be able to have them set it up for you (as, for a first table, this is the most important aspect). They are... 
anyone heard the new GMA Hammer lite subwoofer?
Give Roy a call at GMA. He'll give you the straight scoop. 
Owners of speakers by obscure companies chime in
How do you hear them? You rely upon the generosity of those who post their system on Audiogon and are willing to host you over to listen to their system. I love my GMA Callistos, and would allow anyone seriously interested to stop by and listen to... 
Best turntable/cartridge combo for $700-$750
Search the archives...In your price range, you'll also want to consider a KAB Technics SL-1200 MK5SE w/ a Denon DL-160 cartridge. 
Silver Plated Copper Balanced Cables
I have always liked PS Audio cables. I had several sets of the PS Audio xStream Statements that I had cryo-treated by Lee at Cryo-Freeze. They were good cables before the treatment. They were absolutely amazing cables afterwards.On my latest syste... 
How to evaluate amps that are not broken in?
I asked a dealer why he didn't run his demo speakers at night to break them in (he carried B&W speakers and they *really* needed hours on them). His response?"The cleaning crew would not have it."???? 
Best interconnect between Ayre AX-7 and CX-7
I am very surprised to hear you think that there are cable manufacturers who sell cables that are not balanced internally but are sold as balanced with XLR plugs. Can you name one instance where you have experienced this, or know it to be happenin... 
Best interconnect between Ayre AX-7 and CX-7
Bigtee,I think there is some confusion over how a balanced topology works (or perhaps your understanding just wasn't articulated well).A balanced circuit is "one in which there are two identical signal branches connected so as to operate with the ... 
Best interconnect between Ayre AX-7 and CX-7
I've been really happy with my Purist cables with my AX-7e / CX-7e / P-5xe. Whatever you do, make sure your cables are truely balanced in design, and not simply a single-ended design with XLR connectors.