

Responses from nrenter

Help w/ Martin Logan setup!
It's easy to get sucked into "audiophile nervosa". My advice is a bit more pragmatic. Go back to Magnolia and pick up a Marantz MM7025 and see if improves things. If so, call it good. It's not that expensive and, regardless of how much you spend o... 
Does anyone know where I can get a turntable platter machined to my specs
I'm interested in your project...keep us posted! 
Homemade 6 inch tall stands for small floor stranders
Used bookstore, a few unwanted hardcover books (encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.), a handful of long screws.  
Does anyone know where I can get a turntable platter machined to my specs
What kind of project are you working on? I've wanted to experiment with the platter on my Teres table.  
Vandersteen Treo vs 3A Sig as upgrade
After living with my Quatro CT's front he past 8 months, I can only find one downside - I may have purchased my last pair of speakers.  
Would you go all 1 brand for electronics?
Ayre AX-7e, Ayre CX-7e mp, Ayre P-5xe, Ayre L-5xe. He who gets himself off the equipment merry-go-round soonest wins.  
What do you miss about old school hip hop music and why?
The disco scratch. 
Questionable service at Soundsmith
dvavc, we're all entitled to our opinions. In my opinion, you have no idea what you're talking about.  
Anti skate. I think something's wrong
Are you absolutely 100% sure your platter is perfectly level? How about where you mount your tonearm - is that perfectly level, too?Check it, and recheck it. My table is on a wooden cabinet and "level" changes day-to-day (I tweak with pieces of ca... 
Questionable service at Soundsmith
Personally I would have been calling / emailing at week 14 (not waiting until nearly week 52). That being said, stuff happens. Peter is one of the good guys in this industry. I can't imagine not being a Sound Smith customer. His products and suppo... 
LAST record preservative improves the sound
I got a note from Walter (he's been a bit underwater lately). In addition to the 3 sets of questions noted above, I actually asked him a 4th question as well: "Would you mind if I shared your responses on the AudioGon forum?" Here are the response... 
LAST record preservative improves the sound
inna said that there was no audible difference after a 2nd application of LAST Record Preservative. And, yes, LAST Record Preservative is designed to prevent deterioration. However, I stand behind my claim that it makes records sound better today.  
Best Of Breed or Matching Components?
Not sure what constitutes "best" sound, but I will say this - I'm very happy with my Ayre stack (AX-7e, CX-7e mp, P-5xe, L-5xe). But then again, I don't like being on the equipment merry-go-round. My recent purchase of my Vandersteen Quatro CTs is... 
LAST record preservative improves the sound
So I sent the Last Factory the following questions about a week ago. I haven't received a response (not a judgement, just a statement of fact). However, in the past week, I've treated (probably) 150+ records, and have thoughts on my own questions.... 
Do 180g vinyls sound better or is it a myth ?
OMG...there are so many misunderstandings represented as "facts" on this thread. Please review the Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem. XLR connectors do not necessarily indicate a "balanced" transfer of signal. A vinyl record only stores information...