

Responses from nrenter

tube pre amp for cary six pac tube amps
The SLP-98 is right on the money. If you want to try something a bit less warm, the AE-3 DJH is a nice little pre-amp (that's what I used when I had the Sixpacs). 
How to pick a tubed integrated without hearing one
IMHO, auditioning "equipment" makes for a fun afternoon, but in all reality it's a waste of time - if the piece is not in your listening space and combined with the rest of your system. When you go listen to a system, what are you (predominately) ... 
Dual volume control - it should be standard
Not the worst idea I've heard, but pretty damn close. 
Have digital players improved
With my Ayre CX-7e(mp) running balanced into any Ayre AX-7e, I'm at the point where I don't care. Bring on the music. 
Anti Skating adjustment
Not valid? If you say so. But, back to the OP, you be better off consulting a tonearm designer and a cartridge manufacturer than an audio forum on anti-skate. You'll get 11 opinions from 10 members. 
Anti Skating adjustment
My anti skate force is about 1/10th of my VTF.There is not a single "correct" anti-skate force. It is always an approximation that gives "better" performance given a constantly changing set of variables. Yes, listening is the best way to set anti-... 
Different Results between Record Cleaning Machines
If the record was actually getting cleaned by a play, there's really no point to cleaning - just play the record twice. I think the record is actually getting "dirtier" from the "cleaning process". 
Different Results between Record Cleaning Machines
I interpret gunk on yous stylus after a wet cleaning to mean a loosening and redepositing of contaminants, therefore an incomplete vacuum extraction. This would be an easy hypothesis to test:1. Play a "uncleaned" record. Check for gunk.2. Clean th... 
Speakers for Ayre ax-7e -- Vadersteen, Linn, PSB
The Vandersteen recommendation is sound. If you want a stand mount speaker, consider something from the Green Mountain Audio line. Both GMA and Vandersteen take time and phase coherence seriously, and given the design considerations of Ayre, they ... 
Dead Can Dance New LP "into the labrynth"
Have you played that same track from a digital source to make sure it's your analog front-end? I've listed to that track on many systems that have exhibited that distortion (on that track) you describe. I used to think the source of the issue was ... 
Dead Can Dance New LP "into the labrynth"
Most likely, it's not the recording, as I know exactly to what you are referring. I've heard it on multiple systems - both from an analog pressing and multiple digital copies (original release and the MoFi re-release).I don't hear it on my current... 
Just Given A Sony PS-X7 Turntable - Worth Using?
Without independently verifying myself, I found this advice on another site:The PS-X7 has a arm with ~15gr. eff. mass. I think you look what cartridges are available with a dynamic compliance between 10 to 17 10-6cm/Dyne at 10Hz...Lots of options,... 
Best Rock Album in 2011
10,000 Days is a masterpiece, not only musically, but lyrically. If you follow the content through the Tool / APC catalog, 10,000 Days provides an amazing conclusion / resolution to a story that, for me, has been ongoing for 14 years. I wept upon ... 
Just Given A Sony PS-X7 Turntable - Worth Using?
Yes, it's a nice table. My only suggestion would be to have a tech go through it to check the power supply and replace any out-of-spec caps. I have a minty Sony PS-X5 that really could use the attention I suggest above. Maybe $150 to $200 parts an... 
Integrated Amplifiers with neutral sound
Maybe we'd get a shorter list is the original poster asked for a list of integrated amplifiers *without* neutral sound.