

Responses from noromance

Please help! - Buy VPI Classic or keep Technics 1200
++ Garrard x01, Lenco L75. 
Tube Power Amp Suggestions
I am tempted to recommend Atma-Sphere M60 mk3. 
Cartridge recommendations for second system turntable please
The arm on the MMF is not the greatest apparently. The Shure is a great tracker which will help. It is also MM which will work with your integrated amp. 
Cartridge recommendations for second system turntable please
Shure M97xE. 
How to increase volume of my turntable - pre-amp - amp setup
This is getting a little over-complicated.The OP has an inexpensive setup. Just get this and hook it up and you will be fine. You can always send it back if you don't like it.https://www.amazon.com/Pro-Ject-Phono-Box-Preamplifier-Black/dp/B01CZW87... 
How do I power my 800D(3)s
Sell the speakers, give the money to charity and buy a Sonos 3. On a more serious note, at this level you should work with a pro.  
Do you clean your records before play, after play, or once (and then never again)?
Can you come over to my place? I have never cleaned a record in my life. 
New Townshend Rock 7 owner
Good stuff. Love that feeling where it all just works! 
What's been playing on your turntable and what turntable is it ?
Zappa - Joe's Garage Acts 2/3. Garrard 401, Jelco 12" with brass counterweight, Decca Super Gold with Paratrace. Jaques Cardin VSOP cognac. Sublime. 
A new mat for my Linn LP12
Ivor T. told me to try the felt mat on both sides. Apparently there is a preferred side. 
I should have never ....
@kalali Yeah but he was tempted but put off by the Sonus $7500 price tag- I was throwing the OP a temptation bone. 
How to increase volume of my turntable - pre-amp - amp setup
Search here for a choice at various price points.https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_5?url=search-alias%3Delectronics&field-keywords=phono+... 
I should have never ....
There is an ex-demo dealer pair on the ’gon for $4600. 
Unable to connect any devices to the Internet using wired Ethernet connections
Yes. I have had 2 different switches fail over the years - both in offices - a 16 and a 24 port - both Dell managed devices. 
Interconnects, some have directional indicators, why?
Crystal orientation in OFC and in Ohno Continuous Casting manufacturing predicts that there is directionality in metals that may influence the sound quality.