

Responses from noromance

Best sounding turntable and cartridge for $1100
You say you no likey Ortofon Blue yet inc it in options.Get a Rega Planer 3 with Elys fitted hifi heaven $1145Edit ... you already had a 24. Um... see my first comment at the top. 
What SS preamp compares to a tube preamp
Also consider NOT being able to tune the sound by rolling tubes! 
Downsizing from VPI HW-19
Ugh. I don’t even know what all this fussing is about. It sounds a right mess. No. Don’t replace the springs. It will deaden the sound. It sounds like it needs a good service by a dealer. I moved from a LP12 many years ago to a serviced 401 and ne... 
Building second system around Harbeth P3 esr
Rolling out the 3 JJ 12AX7s for NOS Telefunkens will bring the Croft up a notch. I found the stock unit a little too creamy and warm, albeit very musical but lacking in inner detail. 
Is it a OK to leave tube pre-amps powede up 24/7
I have seen a few tubes go out with a bang but never explode.My TVA-1 used to destroy Mullard Osram KT88s - plate red hot and some sparks then a fizzle and a pop from the speakers! 
Wharfdale's Denton Anniverary spker Any 3 way speaker of similar sound quality?? .
Please don't waste your money on expensive cables to tune your sound. (Use something like Neotech UP-OCC copper/teflon speaker wire.)A nice pair of used Spendors or Epos etc will be great. 
Does anyone know the difference between the Rega RP3 and the P24?
Does anyone know the difference between the Rega RP3 and the P24?
They added braces to the new composite plinth between bearing and arm for stiffness. 
SET amp comparable to First Watt SIT 1?
Coincident Frankensteins? However, look into bespoke designs from boutique builders such as Simple Pleasures “Shiny Eyes” SE 45. 
Integrated Amplifier for Monitor Audio Silver S2 Speakers
++Viridian. Spend more on amplification. Information lost cannot be regenerated by even the most expensive speakers.  
...a second listen
@lewm You might try a second listen on the Boston Audio mat. On my 401, the #2 robbed all the life and air from the music.  
Is it a OK to leave tube pre-amps powede up 24/7
I should also add that you run an increased fire risk leaving them on all the time. 
Is it a OK to leave tube pre-amps powede up 24/7
I have a Croft Micro 25R pre with phono stage and have used tubes for years. You do not have to leave them on. While they do sound a little better once warm, it it not a major improvement. If you did, and assume 5000 hours on the preamp tubes, you... 
2.0 Stereo speakers on a $2000 budget?
Kef 104/2 for $650 on the 'gon and spend the rest on better amplification/ sources etc. 
Cartridge loading question
Sounds like something is amiss with all this. Let the cartridge breathe at 47k.