

Responses from noromance

Intermittent electrical noise in system
Have you tried disconnecting all the digital sources and just running the turntable? 
CLASSE - Great amps or highly flawed?
Dave, it is possible. My dealer enthused about them but he never used them himself! It may be my taste- I like a very open, live sound. The Decca/401/tubes/ESL mob! 
CLASSE - Great amps or highly flawed?
Heard them back in the 80s. They bored me. I met Ken Kessler, the reviewer, and asked him how could he possibly like such dull sounding amps. He said he felt they were neutral and that is the way music sounded. Could never understand it.  
Potential Tax Liability
You made $60k. Pay your accountant $200! 
Amplifier heat...help!
I had a mother in law who drank a half bottle of whisky a day and smoked a pack a day. Lived to be 87. Invoking the exception to a rule that hard liqor and smoking are bad for your health would not make sense. Best to adhere to best practice. Lots... 
$2000 turntable system
Don't forget that you can change the tubes in your amps for different sound characteristics.  
Inboard phono stage in a 7k+ integrated, how good versus standalone units?
Add the cards. It us not a huge outlay. If you don't like, at least you have added resale value to the amp. 
is it ok to leave a tube amp on without speakers connected
It's your gear and your risk. Like Ralph says, it could be okay and probably won't damage it. For example, Dynaco's ST70 manual does not recommend leaving the speakers off. Probably best not to risk it.  
Best sounding turntable and cartridge for $1100
You need to step up to working outside the box my man. Lenco L75 for $350 in a $200 plinth available on eBay with a $500 Jelco 750. Look at lencoheaven.com for more info. This will blow away most turntables in your price bracket and above.  
Standmount speakers 4k-8k
OP, have you talked to Goodwin's in Waltham?  
Best of both worlds? (Relatively speaking)
Tape Out from the 9100 into one of the Aux inputs on the VSX..? 
Has anyone NOT listened to their system for a long time?
Yes, when it gets too cold in the basement and when I choose to listen to new music on the PC - YouTube (T-amp/13vPSU, Wharfedale Diamonds.) Or when I watch music DVDs of live gigs on my projector rig. (EICO HF35 tube monobloc amps, Spendor SP2/2 ... 
Amplifier heat...help!
Let us know how it turns out! 
Amplifier heat...help!
If you get the amp in free air, you can use whatever you prefer. Both your speakers choices require some thought. The 3/5 need a 15ohm tap on the amp...not that common. The Bonsai need a 4 ohm. Both need a decent amount of watts if you want to go ... 
Amplifier heat...help!
Have you thought about putting in a sliding tray that could be used to pull the amp out of the cabinet when in use?Your speakers are pretty inefficient to drive so will not go very loud with low-powered amps. Octals are the larger tubes like EL34/...