

Responses from noromance

Having difficulty installing Grado cartridge on a Rega turntable
In Living Stereo2 Great Jones Street(between Broadway and Lafayette)New York, NY 10012They do Rega and Grado. 
Arm Upgrade Suggestion?
Without budget, hard to tell. The Jelco is inexpensive due to mass production but rest assurred, it will see off your old SME. I prefer it over the SME IV. There are some third party mods available too.  Not sure how a 12" will fit a standard 124 ... 
HD VINYL. New method for making vinyl records!
So... $50 player and HD vinyl?  
Lemon HiFi-Tuning Fuse?
There are/is a thread on this issue with the recommendation of using a rating above the replaced original.  
Arm Upgrade Suggestion?
Jelco 750L.  
Ortofon 2m Bronze in a Jelco 750D?
The Jelco 750 arm will see you through every upgrade you'll do. It's on the higher end of the mass spectrum so low to medium compliance cartridges will work well in it. I use a Decca/London Super Gold and it works brilliantly.  
Which British Hi-Fi Magazine is Your Favorite of the Brits?
Hi-Fi News & Record Review, HiFi Choice, Sounds, back in the day. 
Vincent PHO 700 Phono Stage
Croft RIAA phono amp or Micro 25 preamp will be a much better investment. 
Introducing my 2.2 Stereo
Moving forward improve the source components rather than spending on cable improvements.  
Dennis Had Inspire Fire-Bottle SET amp review
@whitestix After all that, you went with a SS? 
Can an old Thorens Table be "Over Dampend" to the point where sound is adversely effected?
Also try losing rubber feet and try metal points instead. 
What tube preamp is a step up from Rogue Magnum 99
Um.. try the ARC pre with the Rogue. Then maybe try other power amps. Ditch the Classe. Too warm and soft. 
Idler-wheel drives
Resurrection! Jean? (John) Nantais has come a long way! 
Tube Physics Question
The KT120 can sound a little edgy and sterile while a good KT88 is quite good. I have some original Genelex Gold Lion which are sublime in the midband. 
Help with MC Cartridge Recommendation to Swap from Ortofon 2M Black MM