

Responses from noromance

Speaker to mount in a bookcase - up to $2000 (somewhat long)
You are spending way too much on speakers given the quality of the other components.  
Please Critique my Setup and Recommend Upgrade(s)
Tekton Double Impact. $3000 delivered.  
Tips on dealing with audio dealers
Brush up on your knowledge especially about the product you want and its competition. Once the dealer realizes you are not an ordinary schmuck, you'll gain respect and discounts. 
Phono cable recommendations - high performance good value cable
Wolf, I use the pink Jelco cable with my Jelco 12" arm and don't find it lacking. However those in the know tell me that Heiko C37 is a good upgrade.  
12AT nos , flash at start ?
Yes. It’s fine. Mullards? 
Harbeth C7ES3 vs Spendor SP2/3R2
ATC SCM19... 
Best full range loudspeaker for the used price of 10 to 13,000 dollars
I recommended the DI and it is good to see them seconded. Blowing more money on inefficient speakers is not the only way to go.  
KT-88 vs. EL34
Good to hear. Now try black plate 6L6! 
Harbeth C7ES3 vs Spendor SP2/3R2
Just re-read my last post here and it may sound a bit patronising. Apologies for that -it wasn't my intention. So you are near-field listening. Yes, if you could try the HL5, it would be interesting to see what you think. 
Harbeth C7ES3 vs Spendor SP2/3R2
@helomech Your room may be too big for these speakers which are designed for more near-field listening than filling a large room with rock. Look at the Tekton Double Impact. Huge bang for the buck. It is clear to me and from ready your ither posts... 
Tinnitus - do you have ringing in the ears?
I have found some temporary relief using a software frequency generator. Increase the tone until it matches the dominant tinnitus frequency. Then hold it there for about 20 seconds and fade down. Also avoid cayenne, paprika, metal dome tweeters an... 
Harbeth C7ES3 vs Spendor SP2/3R2
The Spendors are a fine speaker. I have SP2/2 since they came out in my DVD rig and they sound great.  
Harbeth C7ES3 vs Spendor SP2/3R2
Bit of a sideways move going from Harbeth to SP2. Problem us that you have moved from big punchy speakers to a more delicate speaker with less bass. The midrange is excellent in the Harbeth as well as tonal balance, color, timbre etc. Perhaps the ... 
Tile floor! Help!
How about metal cones with the speakers resting on the spikes?Or put a concrete slab or ebony or walnut board on the tiles? 
Best full range loudspeaker for the used price of 10 to 13,000 dollars
You might look at Tekton Double Impact for $3000.