

Responses from noromance

Whats on your turntable tonight?
Laurie Anderson - Big Science (Warner Bros. 1982)  
Garrard 301 - Project
@fsonicsmith I completely understand where you are coming from. In fact, I agree with you. That’s why I have two in the main area—wood with original platter and slate with the other stuff. Note that I am using 401s with the better motor (for stere... 
LP to CD
+1  @fuzztone   Most LPs you can already find on the Internet as files You can use MP3 ripping websites to get the digital file from YouTube.   
Capacitor replacement for Jamicon 25 volt
@dabarrie Hope changing that one cap improves things. I wouldn't hold my breath.  
Improving a stone rack
Granite (sorry!)  I don't know how bad the rack is but it's probably not great. The turntable on top is probably the worst location, especially if you're on a suspended floor. Anyhow, try it all out first and worry about damping then. Otherwise yo... 
SEEKING ADVICE: Which component would you upgrade first?
If the cartridge is original, maybe something like the Audio Technica AT95e at $60. I assume you are not running 2 pairs of speakers at the same time. Ensure the one pair you are using (NS-1) are on stands and out from the wall. Ultimately, the ... 
Capacitor replacement for Jamicon 25 volt
What’s it for? The upper voltage rating doesn’t really matter as long as it's higher than specified.  Any of these Nichicon are an improvement. If the existing cap is rated 25v 85°, go for 63V 105°C and you should be fine. Check for size. https:... 
Excellent article on music and the brain
@mahgister  Your link is referencing your PC. Here is the online version.    
Garrard 301 - Project
@fsonicsmith I know we’ve posted on this before in previous threads. The more things change, the more they stay the same, huh? I’ll reiterate for this thread. As far as comparing the two plinth technologies, I have a 5 x 13 layer solid Baltic bi... 
Improving a stone rack
@o_holter Are you assuming the shelves are ringing or reflecting the sound waves coming from the speakers, and adding a hardness? While that is valid, it’s not a major contributing factor. I’ve always thought of the challenge being more to do with... 
Garrard 301 - Project
@lewm There’s good info on @fsonicsmith Virtual System.   
Thoughts on an older REL sub?
This might help.  https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/rel-strata-iii-vs-rel-q201e Note that they prefer the Strada over the designed for HT Q series? I had a Strada lll and it was decent. I now use S series which are better again. You might c... 
Garrard 301 - Project
Soft Pennsylvania slate is wonderful. Silent and brings out the speed and detail. I've three 401s in different plinths with 50mm slate being the most capable. Slate is not optimum. Sorry but just true.  
Warped record
I have hundreds of 50s/60s originals that sound great with no trace of warps. I’d say 30% of new pressings are warped. Mikey Fremer played three new records in a recent video and all were warped.  
Throw it out!
I must do the same. There are about a dozen or so of my ~1500 NM albums hiding at the back of one pile that I really need to dump. Not because they’re damaged, but because I can’t stand the music on them!