

Responses from noromance

Step Up Transformer with Moving Iron Cartridge?
No. But you do need a phono amplifier with a MM 47k input.  
Herron VTPH2 new in system
Hmm...  Precision Fidelity C7A Revised that it may be replacing. That unit is a passive pre  
Herron VTPH2 new in system
Try it without the SUT.  
Audio Racks, Just How beneficial? looking for guidance in upgrading
Tell that to my tube amps. Electronics could [not] care less about vibration isolation. That is seriously wayward lay intuition and expectation bias.  
Audio Racks, Just How beneficial? looking for guidance in upgrading
I see from your other posts that you're already in possession of some great equipment so my angle may not apply. When I had a Linn once, wall mounting worked best.   
Audio Racks, Just How beneficial? looking for guidance in upgrading
I think putting the turntable on top is not the best solution. It needs to be grounded on the most stable platform possible. You might also consider not putting the rack in between the speakers. Other than that, structural wood framing can sound c... 
Paypal drastic changes
Unreal. A country that taxes a person’s home to the tune of thousands of dollars a quarter even when retired is not a free country.  
New York Audio Show 2024
THE NEW YORK AUDIO SHOW ‘24 – ITS FUTURE 19/03/24 IMMEDIATE RELEASE Yes, we’ve been very quiet – and we regret that, but for good reason. We have made the decision to remodel this long standing and successful show; one of the very best for doi... 
Searching for a little more warmth
Yeah, the midrange-forward, bass-light Zu coupled with 300B can't be filling the room that well. A pair of subs could help and will add to your system even if you change things in future. New DAC per @ghdprentice may also flesh out the music.   
Brand New Vinyl Static and Pops
Am I missing something? It looks like the OP is not actually cleaning records, and is not subsequently cleaning a very dirty stylus.   
12AX7A preamp tubes - ribbed vs smooth plate
@mike6972 Telefunken ECC803S is not a 12AX7.   
Brand New Vinyl Static and Pops
How are you cleaning the records? Something is not right, or you're doing something wrong. Muffled again after cleaning a record.  
12AX7A preamp tubes - ribbed vs smooth plate
@whart Mullard's have no top end! lacked the air of my preferred GEC u-52.  
12AX7A preamp tubes - ribbed vs smooth plate
It was only a matter of time. Surprised it took this long.  As I understand it, women seem to have a preference for the ribbed tubes. 😁  
12AX7A preamp tubes - ribbed vs smooth plate
An amplifier modulates the power supplied. All things being equal, the better the supply, the better the sound.  I thought rectifiers were rectifiers, nothing to do with the sound.