
Responses from newbee

Breakdown of audio investment
Whether you have gone beyond the pale, so to speak, on your tweeks, rack & cables depends to a great degree on how much you have invested in your electronics and speakers. If you have 50K invested and 20K is in tweeks, I want to get to know yo... 
The heat of tubes...
Everything worthwile has a price! I know of folks who use good SS or Hybrids as substitute amps during the really hot spells - I just use a smaller tube amp and am careful not to overdrive it. 
Who uses long interconnect like in dealers?
Mprime, You do have to be careful with cable selection to avoid RFI but unless you have unusual problem in your area good shielded cable should work fine. I would recommend that you audition the cable first. The only problem I have had is when I r... 
CAT SL-1 vs. ARC SP-10
On the issue of gain, the SP10 has a gain reduction switch on the face of the preamp which allows you reduce the gain of any incoming signal by 12db - this gives you quite a bit more operating room with the main volume control. 
Breakdown of audio investment
Did a breakdown of the total investment in software and hardware. Found that about 75% of my money is in software. Of the rest: Speakers: 23%Amp:24%Pre amp: 15%LP Playback: 13%CD Playback: 19%Tweeks: 6%Now what exactly does that signify? 
Perreaux TC unit - Help Needed
Got one of those dude's myself. Its designed to go inline between the amp and preamp. It has a defeat switch on the front (which is engaged in the up position). It will also allow a signal to pass when it is truned off. In this position you can us... 
Amplifier Dilemma
Describe your other equipment, your speakers and your room - that way someone will have a better base for giving you some help. 
Trying to build a near ref. listening room? Help
Re ceiling - I don't know about the asthetics of it but acoustically i think its worthwhile to use exposed beams to reduce early reflections just as you would use carpet to damp early reflections from the floor. Dimensions "sound" good. Wall scoun... 
Too much power?
There is really no such thing as too much power, pe se. In fact you can more easily destroy speakers by overdriving underpowered amps. However, just buying an amp with twice is much power sez nothing about whether or not you will get better sound.... 
How important is it to match tubes in a preamp?
In my experience the cathode follower contributes the least to sound quality. Try it and see, you can't do any harm - it may well work and save you money. 
dynamic classical which isn't boring?
Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture on Telarc is probably just what you need. Very dynamic......Lots of noise, church bell, cannons, and in the right performance even some chorus. 
Speaker/Room help needed
Look up the Cardas set up. In my opinion your requirement that the listening chair be agains the back wall is a major obstacle to good sound. Your room demensions are fine. The location of your speakers is probably just fine (give or take a few in... 
What cables for the Vandersteen 2ce Sig.?
Ah! Now I understand. Its been a long time & I didn't remember. I had the same problem on and old ARC amp. I solved that problem with a file and grinder. Other than that would it really be that much of a problem to purchase a smaller pair of s... 
speaker sensitivity vs. speaker size
Bomarc, Mocking my moniker eh. Ah, whats in a name. A rose would smell the same (Forgive me Shakespeare for I haven't got a clue). Maybe I should just change it to Middlebee or Oldbee, but then it wouldn't bee as much fun. This way I get to catch ... 
Tubes or Cables to Tune Sound?
Here a problem for you - what would you use in place of the 6H30 - from what I've heard you can't change it out by manufacturer's design? Seems like you have no otions but to tune with cable EXCEPT buying a tube CDP and AMP, then you can tune with...