
Responses from newbee

Need some audiogon expertise
FWIW if you system has an upper midrange emphasis it might lead you to believe you have reduced bass or midbass (a general lack of warmth). A couple of your components are not (IMHO) tilted toward warmth and are neutral at best, but should not cau... 
My Dumb Question of the Day
Elgordo, Would you believe that some one actually invented a lazer pickup for vinyl! Yep!! Obviously it didn't catch on. As to music coming from a pickup, I haven't heard this since I sold my old Sony (what ever model) many moon ago. As others hav... 
I need a female jazz vocalist. No Krall, No Norah
I would suggest that you start in the order they were published, "Introducing Tierney Sutton" on A-Records, "Unsung Heros" on Telarc, and "Blue on Green" also on Telarc (this is only because I totally enjoy the first two and don't feel quite as co... 
I need a female jazz vocalist. No Krall, No Norah
Well, she's not a new sultry lady, she's an old one now, but she's the one that Diana Krall holds in high esteme, and in my estimation, trys to emulate (unsuccessfully), Shirley Horn. She's a bit more laid back but she's the real thing! She is an ... 
Tube Biasing in Amplifiers
From purely listening to the differences I find that biasing in the lower range produces not only cooler running tubes, but a "cooler" sound as well. Perhaps its just my imagination. 
Hooked on Chopin
Not familar with Fou Ts'ong's Chopin. For the piano concertos: For best performance with good sound (typical DG) try Zimmerman/Giulini on DG. For original instruments try Emanuel Ax and Charles Mackerras on Sony, and for something really different... 
Beginners Tube Amp Recommendations
If you are up to used stuff check out the Sonic Frontiers SFS40. High quality parts and construction. It sounds pretty good, its easy to retube and bias yourself, and its usually up for sale in the 600 to 700 area. 
Where do you draw the line???
The only beliefs that I hold dear are that (1) most of the folks who want to talk endlessly about what equipment sounds best have never optomized what they have by setting it up properly in a good listening environment and (2) its only the music t... 
Choral or Classical Vocal Recordings - Must Have
Brahms - ein Deutsches Requiem on by Robert Shaw on Telarc, Brahms Alto Rhapsody by Shaw on Telarc.Seven Days of Passion by Grechaninov on Chandos.Strauss Orchestral Songs by Felicity Lott and Jarvi on Chandos. These are three very different types... 
Used tube pre-amp around $1,000
Don't overlook the EAR 834L. Great sound - easy to tube. No remote. Minimalist desig. Seen them sell between 650 and 750 on AA. Harry Pearson thought they sounded much like the ARC SP10. Actually they do but the line stage of the SP10 is not as de... 
How to not stub your toe -in
You are right in that there is no magic recommendation that fits all, or even most, speakers. The effects of toe in are one of the more easily identifiable sounds that are room and system dependent. Two of the most apparent results are clarity (or... 
newbie turntable/speed control question
The Oracle Delphi for one. However there are a number of tables that have an exposed motor pully and you simply move the belt on the pully. You don't have to lift the platter to get convenience and the expense of such a player. Look at the Notting... 
Old Newbie has questions on turntables.
I believe the NAD is (like) a Rega Planar 2, a good starter table. I would trust your dealer on this issue. Keep the tuner close to your preamp - this will eliminate cable interface problems. Do not overlook the issues involved in matching your ca... 
Are monoblocks the way to go?
FWIW, your amp selection should be made after you determine what kind of speakers you want to drive. They are interdependent. I agree with Gthrush regarding speakers - unless you have highly revealing speakers I doubt that you will gain from the b... 
Listening practices
It all gets listened to when it first comes home - how often it gets heard thereafter depends on how much I liked it the first (few) times out. I suspect quite a bit gets put on the back burner and forgotten until something triggers a renewed inte...