
Responses from newbee

Theil 3.5's...Tubes or SS? Just bought a used pair
As I recall Thiel was using Threshold ss amps to voice their speakers when these came out. I used a Class A Threshold on mine for several years. Sounded better than others I tried at the time. I never tried tubes, but I would imagine if you did yo... 
Solid-state preamp with tube power amp
Using a solid state will not alter the sound of your tube amp - in fact its easier to match a ss pre to a tube amp than the reverse. Both add in similar ways to the sonics. Personally I would never go back to a ss state amp - I just love the sound... 
FM Reception question, please
That T antenna properly oriented isn't all that bad. To improve on it you would need to mount a good omni or a directional antenna on you roof or in you attic. This was just recently discussed at length in this forum and in audio asylum. I suggest... 
Tube myths
Gagged by the self-righteous few! How about revealed by experienced consumers. No one censored any information Fletchj wanted to convey, and frankly no one directly said he was wrong, even when some thought he was, including myself. For myself, I ... 
Beethoven Symphony No. 7
For an excellent 7th and the absolute best 5th you must have Kleibers on DG. Both on the same disc. 
Tube myths
Marakanez, I'm not Marty, but I've nothing better to do at the moment - I think the difference, if there is one, is that Rives has openly declared himself to be a dealer and has placed ads in audiogon. When he gives advise to someone seeking it to... 
CD getting as good as LPs - recommendations
I really don't think in a well set up system either CD or vinyl has any great advantage over the other, just differences. However, it takes a lot of expertise to set up and maintain a turntable to get sound to equal a high quality CD system. And, ... 
room treatments? is it the room that's bright?
Tom, You have nice stuff and a nice set up. The one thing you don't mention is the toe in of your speakers. Many speakers are hot if you listen to them on axis. A lot of manufacturers recommend that they be pointed straight ahead for proper imagin... 
How to tame the high of harbeth C7
I also think you should explore placement issues before investigating new electronics or cabling. However, I think you should look to make sure that you have eliminated or reduced your sidewall reflections. You would also want to play with toe in ... 
Cable questions
I'd opt for the 20'interconnects and 10' speaker cables - for value cables I would check out the Canare interconnect and cable. Both are inexpensive and reported by many to work quite well - I've never heard them though. 
Thanks to all replying to cd sounding like LP.
Zaikesman, Firstly, i definitely did not think that a cable/interconnect swap will solve any of the problems that Johnymac is experiencing. But, he inquired about cable and interconnect for his system, therefor my post was more for the benefit of ... 
Chopin nocturnes
Rushton, you have excellent tastes. Ashkenazy is excellent, but the recordings are a bit dry. Rubinstein's is also excellent, but I'm not too fond of the recorded sound. For me Moravec's performances are excellent as is the sound. For Chopin recit... 
Life Expectancy of a NOS 5751 Vacuum Tube
Life expectancy sould be about the same as the 12AX7 in the same application. 
Thanks to all replying to cd sounding like LP.
Johnymac, I'm not sure what your experience is with cables so I'll limit my comments to one certain fact - that is cables are passive in nature and cannot increase the signal level from an amp, they can only change the signal. You can get differen... 
Tube myths Joint Army Navy vs Non Joint Army Navy
Good post - although I always thought the assumption had to do with the ruggedness of the tube, not the "sound". Do you think there is, or is not, an actual difference in in the ruggedness of tubes when they carry this designation in their number ...