
Responses from newbee

Want to add more airy, liquid high for my system
By all means get a tube pre-amp - I don't see how you can help but improve on what you are presently using. But take your time - not all tube preamps are equal. If you like warmth and clarity you might want to consider some older used pre-amps. Ma... 
Quality recorded opera performances
Shipper's performance of La Bohemme on EMI always gives me goose bumps. I love Freni in the role as Mimi. Whether you think it is a great recording or not depends on your values - as with many older opera recordings you can hear the singers walkin... 
Classical music recordings upgrade
Gabbro, Then try the VPO if you want better sound, its pretty good even for DG. The performances vary from the NYPO version some but IMHO its a wash as to which is better in the overall. 
Classical music recordings upgrade
For sets,don't overlook Leonard Bernstein - his Beethoven is surprisingly good! I also second the recommendation of Harnoncourt and Wand for 3 divergent views of how Beethoven can be performed. 
A “Tuned” power cord, Huh?
Much of the audio world is still discussing whether or not anyone can hear a meaningful difference, and if so why. Yet we have a manufacturer with such advanced knowledge that they can actually "tune" a PC, whatever that means. Verrrrry interestin... 
Why are these speakers so bright but others not?
You are correct about different amps for different speakers - the match is critical, but even more critical is the speaker set up in the room. And, even if properly set up I would not expect them to sound the same, no matter how highly regarded. E... 
Constructing Stands for Quads
Beware of the potential for mid/upper bass suck out if you elevate your speakers this high. When I set up my 63's I ultimately put them on the floor - I had acrici stands but retired them. W/O the stands they had a near flat frequency response in ... 
Realtraps versus Rives Audio Treatment Plan
It might help you get a meaningful response if you could outline exactly what problem you are experiencing that you wish "Real Traps" or any other acoustical devise to solve. There is no universal cure for all problems. 
Sistrum/Grand Prix Racks for Turntable Support
Stehno, No vinyl, that I can forgive and on many days understand, but no tubes! I'll have to order some tar, feathers and a rail, assemble the drummers and come for a friendly visit to explain to you the benefits of tubes. I'll have to admit howev... 
Best digital for under $1500
I'd forego getting a new one in that price range and get a high quality used one, such as a Cal Alpha/Delta (there are others). I've been using one daily for the past 8-9 years w/zero problems - it may not be as resolved in the highs and lows as m... 
Tube Shelf Life
I think you are probably safe to assume that there won't be that much difference if any at all. The greater issue may be whether or not NOS has a more complete vacumn in the first place and what effect that may have on the sound of the tube. And I... 
Sistrum/Grand Prix Racks for Turntable Support
Stehno, Just so you're not disappointed -- WOOF WOOF! :-) But your second paragraph sez it all. Good post, even if you don't have a TT. By the way, why not? 
Sistrum or Neuance or...?
Warren, When someone brags about their stuff, even if they can't describe the things that make it great, or even if they have little frame of reference thats OK. They are not shills. However, when someone sends e-mails unsolicited to other forum m... 
Speaker specs: Sensitivity, & Amp match
Gregm, I think I'm getting confused! As I understand it, a doubling of power results in a (measured) 3db response in sound from a speaker, but the 3db, or even 6db, increase in volume isn't necessarily "percieved" by the listener as a "doubling" i... 
Speaker specs: Sensitivity, & Amp match
Elvick, I think you are safe - the word is percieved and we all percieved differently. Your post coincides with my perception, therefore you are right! :-)