
Responses from newbee

i hate to ask but I Really Need Help
Sean, You need to get a life, or charge for your services! :-) I'd get carpal tunnel syndrom just from typing one of your typical responses, let alone this one. 
Tube amp and speaker impedence matching
Improper impedence matching will cause roll off, not damage. Unless you plan to listen to music really loud this amp should work with most (not all) speakers. The exception would be if the speaker had an impedence dip down in the area of 2 ohms - ... 
noise with Sonic Frontiers T3 and P3
Aren't these tubed products? The problems you described are usually attibuted to noisy tubes which should probably be replaced. 
Debussy Nocturns
I'm not aware that he wrote any. Preludes perhaps? 
Need pre for tube based amps
If you don't need a remote consider an EAR834L - its just as you describe. Tonally it is very similar to the ARC SP10 I use in my main system. It only has three tubes - I have used one in a second system for about 4 years, tubes are long lived (I ... 
How far can I run a signal from a Cartridge.
As I recall, with MM cartridges you have to take into consideration the capacitance of the I/C you are going to use to be sure your getting the proper match with your cartridge. Capacitance is usually measured by the ft x the ft length of the I/C.... 
Why all these JC-1's for sale?
I would guess that these amps were bought by folks who had expectations exceeding the capabilities of the amps - the world is full of people looking for quick fixes and miracles. Seems to happen all the time. Usually the differences in the top of ... 
Suggestion please: How to improve sound.
Spend a lot of time working on set up and treatment of your room (even if you think you have done this - revisit it). You might be amazed at the differences small changes can make - often much greater than buying new stuff. For example, in my room... 
Does your system's sound change with the weather?
Can't testify as to the effects of air pressure, but I have noticed a difference due to humidity/temperature, especially in the bass. Hot/humid = an apparent increase in lows. 
Laid back, or in-your-face?
Tvad, Perhaps at "LOUD" you are simply overdriving your room. Not difficult to do in a small to medium sized room. 
Laid back, or in-your-face?
My system can be laid back or forward (I'm referring to the forward plane of the soundstage) depending on the source. I have a laidback CDP for orchestral music and a more forward DAC for vocal, small groups, solo instruments, etc. I like the latt... 
Wadia think about expensive CD Players ?
Transporter, I settled on a BAT VK5 some time ago and it has served me well - it is detailed, fairly neutral, smooth, and gives you a hugh soundstage w/out being bright. You can change its tone slightly by rolling tubes. If I had to settle for a S... 
Wadia think about expensive CD Players ?
FWIW, I suggest that you research all of the top CDP's before you commit without listening. You say you want the CDP to be warm and detailed. Detailed (or bright or forward) is easy to comeby. Neutral is to be desired. Warm is tougher. Detailed AN... 
What other obsessions do you have?
Linkster, Re naming your boat - My first wood cruiser was named the adhominum - it appealed to my emotions as opposed to reason! My next boat, not wood(!), was named the Molly B for my brown Newfoundland - great boat & great dog. 
What other obsessions do you have?
Photography & Wine, but not both at the same time. By the way, need a 540 bottle wine cooler? :-)