
Responses from newbee

Critiques of Equipment
Quicke, I think you have used your three years well and have reached some valid conclusions regarding equipment and room synergy. Many on this forum are not nearly so advanced .....yet they do not let that deter them from offering their opinions, ... 
Critiques of Equipment
Chuck and Jayctoy, At the risk of sounding paranoid, are your posts directed at the original poster or the responders? A more literal reading would suggest the latter. In that event (only), I would point out that the initial response was very nega... 
Best Upgrade you had?
In 1983 I sold my very "very high quality" SS preamp and bought a ARC Sp10II. No single component has come even close to yielding that great an improvement in my home. Next to that improvement, the next greatest improvement came in fine tuning spe... 
Critiques of Equipment
No one has your equipment, your room, your sensitivities, and knowledge of your expectations. The experience level of folks posting here spans from very little beyond their own stuff to several who are professional by any standard. A careful readi... 
San Francisco Symphony Mahler 7th
FWIW MTT already has a M7 down, its just not on multi-channel. Welcome to the world of Mahler, you'll never be the same again, musically speaking.Seriously, if you really want to get into Mahler, I suggest two things. Take his Symphonies in order ... 
Are "Redbook Only " CD players Obsolete?
Dennish's observations remind me of mine when I was a horny 17 year old and had my first naked lady - what wasn't real was made up for by my imagination. :-) 
pre-amp and amp hook up
Most probably this is a gain issue. Check your amp input spec's and see what its input sensitivity is. Check your integrated's line stage output gain. If the former is .5 to 1v and the latter is in about 26, it would be a gain mis-match. If your l... 
Just Talkin' 'Bout Itzhak
I was LOL 'til the last paragraph. Perlman is one of my American hero's (even though he's from Israel) right up there with Isaac Stern and Leonard Bernstein. There are probably a lot of more technically gifted folks about but not more musically i... 
Buy MacIntosh gear w/o auditioning?
A "Can't miss" proposition will depend on how extensively you have reaserched the product (and its interaction with other components in your system), how well you know the reviewers or the person's opining, and how well you can evaluate the need o... 
Why I love analog, part II
Perhaps we should frame this thread for future automatic inclusion into any digital v analogue debate. Lousyreedsl hit the ball right out of the park! A supurb reminder to us all. 
6550 to KT88
I have no major differences of opinions of the various tubes types, but as JaFox noted the JJ was (still is?) very unreliable. In fact of the new production tubes the only ones I have not experienced major failures with yet are the Svet 6550's (my... 
Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?
Speakerdude, Nicely said. I've long thought that the problem with the Caravelle's was more probably a reaction to some of the folks promoting them than the actual speakers themselves. There are certainly as, or more, expensive speakers out there t... 
Anyone heard Underwood level1 3910 mod?
Sean, What are you trying to tell us? I'm trying to do your mod myself, but I'm not sure whether I should use Skippy or JIF. Will I void my warranty? Love the new Sean! Keep it up...but, don't stay away. Its a good fix for what ails you (and us). 
Jazz-suited speakers for an Arcam amp?
If you are talking about floor standing Linbrooks I wouldn't hesitate for a second. But, the monitors would work if you weight down the stand. These are great speakers for the money and neither difficult to drive or place. I just broke in a pair o... 
Preamp or Amp?
The reason you probably didn't get much response is that its tough to do short of writing a book. So much depends on something very personal to you...What do you really want to get out of your system and how good are your listening skills. By way ...