
Responses from newbee

Ayre CX7
Ask Charles Hansen at Ayre, he'll be happy to tell you exactly what and how much. 
HELP Which wall of new room to put system on?
Good question. I've seen folks advocate having the speakers on the wall with the high ceiling, and that may be so, but I would be concerned that your seat under the sloping walls would put you in a position to pick up early reflections off the slo... 
Oracle Alexandria - time for new springs?
My platter is also 1/4" above the plinth. I've no problem fitting the caps over the springs. Perhaps you do need new springs, however before your go that route you might try lowering the platter to 1/8th inch. So long as the platter is operating p... 
Oracle Alexandria - time for new springs?
How far off of the plinth is the bottom of the TT platter? Is it the distance spec'ed out in the manual? I've never had this problem and really can't imagine how it would occur. 
speaker cable that will soften the highs
Resbeck's suggestions re room acoustics is a good one. A lot of brightness stems from 1st reflection points on walls, ceilings, and floors, as well as the amount of toe in used. Before you start spending money on cables make sure you have your set... 
MH MMF-7 seems high/lean/bright sounding?
Improperly set VTA can result in a very lean sound. This has been much discussed here and I suggest you do a bit of research on this. Having the arm parallel to the platter doesn't result in correct VTA. 
Legacy Classics and bottom end?
Bloated bass is far more likely due to speaker design and set up in your room than the effect of any other single component. If you're not confident you have the best set up, why not ID your speakers, the size of your room, and the present placeme... 
Buy an Audio Research SP10 MkII or an SP11 MkII ?
Growlar, FWIW, and as sort of a counter point to John's comments on the differences between the SP10II and the LS5, if you are really anal about hearing the last enth of detail and extension his advise is worthwhile. But if you want to listen to m... 
Many questions tube/solid state amps
You are running your system about the same amount of time that I do. I have all tubes from start to finish. Unless you are disabled I assume that much of the time your system is running your listening is on a casual basis, i.e. your not sitting in... 
Buy an Audio Research SP10 MkII or an SP11 MkII ?
The SP11 was too cool, clinical if you will, for me. I've been using my SP10II for over 20 years and nothing else has tempted me. Tubes are an issue, you need quiet and rugged tubes. 
Do we suffer our music?
Simple answer to your 1st question - I often change components out of boredom - gives me something to experiment with for a few days and sometimes I find something that significantly changes my system (better or worse). Being cheap, I spend far mo... 
Help - I've got an Ocean in my Phono Stage
Well, its not on Lp (forgive me for bringing it up) but if you want to hear whales try Hovhaness' "And God Created Great Whales". Very atmospheric w/whale songs. Accompanied by an excellent Mysterious Mountain. Gerald Schwartz, Seattle SO on Delos. 
Sonic Frontiers to Conrad Johnson .
I'm glad you have sourced your problem. I discovered the same reason for lack of bass with Quad 63's some years ago. Couldn't stand them, took them off their stands, put them on the floor and they became a "full" range speaker! Mid/upper bass suck... 
Help - I've got an Ocean in my Phono Stage
I'm not really familar with the PS-1 but from what you have said it sounds like at max gain you may be hearing the units noise floor. I assume when you back off the gain the noise goes away. If this assumption is correct you should consider gettin... 
Burned out Audiophile - Trying to Find some Zen
Rich, Its a hobby, its not the holy grail. Focus on music and when that and fly fishing, or downhill skying (etc) get boring, you can always take up knitting. :-)