
Responses from newbee

New Soliloquys with spikes and hardwood floors
FWIW, spikes/cones do not isolate speakers from wood floors. They are very efficient at coupling your speakers to the floor. If you want to isolate you need something which is inefficient at conducting the frequencies you want to block. Nothing is... 
VSA speaker owners What did you upgrade to?
Tvad, Perhaps the possible 'aggressive' issue arises out of Wes Philips' rave review in Stereophile in the section of the review "What is best in music is not to be found in the notes". He compares the Moscode with the MF amp which he sez has swee... 
Time to reflect - why do you post on Audiogon.....
David berry's post's simplicity is encouraging to me. I may be unique in this respect, although I don't know why, but I reached a time in my life where tranquillity, peace of mind, has become very important. I've been trying to 'down size' my syst... 
Time to reflect - why do you post on Audiogon.....
Beheme, Thank you for your observation. That helped a lot. I have felt for some time that I have strayed a long way from my original objective and it was time to move on. I do not believe the collective knowledge of the A-gon will be diminished by... 
Time to reflect - why do you post on Audiogon.....
I looked up this old post today - sort of a sanity check for me and some remotivation to continue, if I decide to do so.Perhaps others might like to think about it from their own perspective as they did here. Post if you like.FWIW. 
Experiments with VTF
Do you make adjustments to VTF independent of VTA? Do you think that the differences you note are due to the change in the force the stylus is applying to the groove or to effective changes in VTA (which must change with VTF changes)? I always tho... 
Best of Etta James, Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughan
Sherod, If you haven't already done so, the recording I mentioned above is a great place to start. Obviously I agree with your assessment! :-) 
bi wiring
FWIW, on the few systems I have had which provided for biwiring I could never hear a difference when I was using the same cables (two runs of idential cables), but it sure was a lot of fun to use different cables for the highs and low's as a form ... 
Your experience:a cdp that gets best of lesser cds
Foster 9, You have restated your desires - I completely read thru these and went to the obvious complaint so many folks have about 'glare', so common in early CD's. Sorry 'bout that. Noting your desires, my recommendation would be the same. A well... 
How do tube Watts compare to SS Watts?
Your real question should be "Can I drive my Theil 2.2's with a modest sized tube amp?"There is a great deal of interaction between an amp and a speaker. A speaker with minimal impedence drooping to or below 4 ohms are not good candidates for anyt... 
AR SP16 Question......
This is a WAG (I don't have a ARC SP16) but I suspect that the 6 to 8 db difference will give you at least a reasonable amount of flexibility. A lot of ARC pre's also have a built-in input gain reduction switch of feature. No?The Rothwells are an ... 
Your experience:a cdp that gets best of lesser cds
Well, on the cheap you could do worse than the Raysonic 128 as a 2d unit. It really responds well to tube changes and turns in a very credible performance. I retired my old Cal Alpha/Delta without a tear. I'm not as as fond of the use of an equali... 
Your experience:a cdp that gets best of lesser cds
Foster 9, why have just one CDP. You can get an inexpensive tube CDP, stuff it with different tubes until you get the tone you want, then play your bad CD's on it and use your good one for the reference stuff. :-)Other than that, you can't have it... 
one channel dead as a door nail
Dead power tube would be my guess. Check amp's fuses. Then try switching the two power tubes and see if the channels problems reverse. If both channels work you probably just had a temporary tube short. If the problem changes channels, you've prob... 
Warmest speaker?
Can't help but enjoy the comments on the Tylers in relationship to thier being 'cool' as suggested by Bartokfan. Much as I enjoy mine for what they do very well, their being 'cool' is not one of them. A slight bit of warmth in the lower mids-upper...