
Responses from mrdecibel

The imperfect amp: Pass or Ayre?
I am beginning to see a pattern.....I have a question, which maybe, this one, you can answer ? With all of the threads started by you, Mr. Eric, when do you have time to listen to, and enjoy, music. ........And I suppose, you thought I was alone..... 
You've tried other amps and ended with Pass, please discuss
Eric is asking someone, why they do not like the sound of Pass amps, but, refuses to answer my same question to him, as I was the 1st poster to his thread. George, I am with you ! 
Pass XA25 or Pass XA 30.8
wolf, XA25, lol....senior moment ? 
To those running Klipsch Forte IIIs...
jtcf, Dynamat the mid horns and the tweeters of the Heresys, before the crossover upgrade. Lots of info on the net as how to do it. 
Need Perfect Speakers for Acoustically Hostile Placement
Klipsch RP 600 M would work well, even with the rear port. No need to spend thousands...ridiculous, if you ask me, considering the location and acoustics. I did design and install for years, and found better ways to spend my clients monies. 
Which stereo amp to try under $30k
RIAA, what you say about a free audition, that really makes a point about any reviewer who receives product for review. When was the last time a bad review was published ? I am surprised at how long WC has has them on loan.... 
Barbie's Very Real, High End Speaker Problem...
David_ten, these threads you speak of, have all been started by the same individual...keep that in mind....why people have been responding ? They cannot help themselves....I have my own feelings about this individual, which I stated, one time..... 
How much are AR AR3's worth these days?
Why are people against making a profit on audio gear, especially, if a buyer is willing to pay ? OP, are you aware, you thanked someone, who referred to you, as Mr. Greedhead ? 
How much are AR AR3's worth these days?
I 2nd, take the grand and run.....providing the buyer understands the reconditioning required on them..... 
Used ARC Ref 75 versus new Pass XA 25 versus new Parasound A21+
And / Or, add a Storm subwoofer.........Lots of positive talk about Ric Schultz' amp, the EVS 1200.....with a 30 day money back.... 
Atma-sphere Updates
I agree with every positive statement above, concerning Ralph... 
Used ARC Ref 75 versus new Pass XA 25 versus new Parasound A21+
What are you looking to " improve " ? What are the weaknesses you are hearing with this system ? How are the acoustics at the cabin ?  
Need Help! My Class A Amp Is Running Very Hot
If it is so hot on the vents that you would get burned, I find it hard to believe, that Luxman would use a material such as plastic, as vents.  
To those running Klipsch Forte IIIs...
Yes, the Klipsch Heritage, and the Cinema and pro lines, are made here. The other Klipsch products, have been made in China for quite a while now. And ? 
Which stereo amp to try under $30k
Mayor, as a reminder, you were open, to up to 30 K........The Merrill 118 mono blocks are getting raves by many......Class D, but still.........and WC likes them...