
Responses from mrdecibel

One key to building great systems over time.
@ghdprentice , I should have stated " $6 figure + systems ", as I have a multi thousand dollar system. Your home, and systems, look very nice. I am familiar with AR running SF, and it is truly a most enjoyable presentation. This is the beauty of o... 
One key to building great systems over time.
@ghdprentice I am not here to argue, disagree, or judge. I am stating a fact, based on my interactions with people in the business, as well as consumers. And yes, I started this hobby in the early 60’s, so my timeline is similar. Say what you will... 
One key to building great systems over time.
The meaning of " audiophile " is a person who is enthusiastic about high fidelity sound. There is no further distinction between those who listen to the music, or those that listen to the equipment. I communicate with many listeners, and more and ... 
One key to building great systems over time.
When I was an active audio consultant, I felt it was my job to help the listener understand the various differences between components, such as tubes vs ss, box, panel, horn speakers, etc. and determine what the listener’s preferences are, based o... 
Hattor Audio preamps?
I own the totl Luminous Audio, 3 in, 2 out, single ended, with remote volume, and it has been the most neutral of all passives I have tried, including many of those mentioned above. My best, MrD.  
1954 Klipschorn Sound Reproducer value???
Paul Klipsch, at the beginning, sold them as a single speaker, because of the abundance of monophonic recordings of that time. My best, MrD.  
Help, Frustrated with Horn output
You can try the battery test. Connect a 9v ( what I use ) ( or an AA, C, or D battery straight to the tweeter, bypassing the crossover, and see if it stays on. This will tell you if it is or not the tweeter. My best, MrD.  
? about Smoking Power Amp
The cost of a tech’s repair might be more than the value of the amp, so that must be considered. I have several amps in my collection that would sell below $200., and they all work great. But if 1 of them failed and I could not do the repair mysel... 
What Horn loaded speaker/ speaker system for $10k'ish and under
ozzy62, if you have done any damping, to your horns, woofer backets, and isolating the mid horn and the crossovers from the boxes ( vibrationally ), your LS IIs could not be a better reproducer to my LSs. I also heavily damped and added mass to th... 
What Horn loaded speaker/ speaker system for $10k'ish and under
For me, horns are the way to go. I have owned all the Klipsch Heritage models ( not all of the different series ), and I feel the Lascala, which I own, offers the best bang for the buck. Of course, they need some attention with vibration and reson... 
Check out the thread " What would your perfect speakers sound like ".  
Good value vintage pressing of CCR Cosmo’s Factory?
Big CCR fan. All favorites for sure, but " Keep On Chooglin ", which I have on a cd called " CCR At The Movies ", really showcases the " genius " of the band, and the engineers involved with making it. Enjoy ! MrD.  
Am I wasting money on the theory of Bi-amping?
Through my modified Signet floor standers, it is easily heard, the advantages of bi wiring and, passive bi amping. What a different set of characteristics, between running the system, horizontal vs. vertical. Using many different pairs of the same... 
What would your "perfect speaker" sound like.
I have owned this particular pair of Lascalas for over 20 years, and after my extensive damping of the " entire " design, everything stock , and the non popular AL crossovers ( built for a short time, but my favorite of them all ), I get out of th... 
Amp repair
My tech is Kris Rhoades - Fine Tuned Audio - Winter Springs, Florida. His partner is set up in Arizona - Awesome !