
Responses from mr_m

Wilson Audio Duette 2's vs Tekton Ulf's
james. Interesting what you said about Acoustic Zen. I've heard some people swear by them, and some other people swear at them;)....... 
Wilson Audio Duette 2's vs Tekton Ulf's
waltersalas.I've been in this hobby for almost half a century. I can get a pretty good handle on how a loudspeaker is going to sound in my listening room, even upon first hearing it at an audio salon. I think it's fair to say I have a pretty well ... 
DAC Regenerator and Reclocking Devices
The Uptone Audio Regens are excellent devices for the money. I have been using the older USB Regen along with 2 Audioquest Jitterbugs on a Mac Mini for streaming Tidal. The difference with and with out these two devices are quite obvious. Money we... 
Wilson Audio Duette 2's vs Tekton Ulf's
Waltersalas and james,I'm not here to defend missioncoonery. Him and I have had our differences in the past and have more or less called each other out on different occasions specifically about loudspeakers. The current Tekton thread here is, I be... 
Silly prices for Nordost cables
czarivey,Judging from Audioquest's authentication policy, I think they would disagree with you.... 
Journey ending speakers
James. That's perfectly fine. Just surprised you didn't mention it on that thread. I think other people would have considering how strongly many Tekton owners claim their sound to be superior to so many other high ticket brands. 
Tekton Double Impacts
Tekton in Thailand...Noooooo!!! 
Journey ending speakers
Um, James, you don't exactly talk that way on the Tekton thread......Just an observation. 
2 Channel Subwoofer connection
+1 hifiman5 
What does a bad tweeter sound like?
Good luck. Can't have those Vandy's playing sub par!! 
What does a bad tweeter sound like?
Stringreen.  So do you think the tweeter problem is due to the exhausted energy of the batteries? I have a pair of Vandersteen Treo CT's with a 2Wq sub. I have the premium M5-HP crossovers which are required to run the sub in my system. I guess wh... 
What does a bad tweeter sound like?
Schubert...  standard for what??? 
Audioquest Water vs Kimber KCAG
The Earth, at least to me, seems to have more natural sounding detail and a bit larger (deeper) sound stage. The Earth/Niagara comparison was much closer. The biggest difference to me was the Earth had a tad more powerful sound in the bass. It was... 
Would you like to know about Dunlavy mods?
Ancient???? Is the OP still living?? 
Wilson Audio MAXX resistors
Don't most resistors fail due to pushing to much current across them? As in "high volumes."