
Responses from mr_m

Best Usb A to B cable in $100 to $250 cost zone?
I have a USB Regen, and it made a dramatic improvement on my Mac Mini. 
mcintosh mc402+c46 or mc402+c2200,2300
I'll probably take a lot of heat for this. So please, just take it as my opinion and what had happened when I made the change. I had a C-46 pre and a MC-402 amp in my system for about 10 years. Just for a whim, I substituted a Rogue Audio Pharaoh ... 
Last stylus preservative...anyone still use it?
A single swipe of the applicator brush has enough fluid on it to submerse the tip of the cantilever and stylus tip. I used a stylus magnifier to examine the tip to confirm this. The cartridge was broken apart to examine the inside. There were drie... 
Subwoofer for classical music listener
smer319,             "Only REL subs work well."Prove it.... That is, prove it without all the fine people of this thread.  
Last stylus preservative...anyone still use it?
I used Stylast preservative back in the early 80's. I don't disagree that it can help preserve a stylus, but what happened to me was the stuff migrated up the boron tube cantilever and gummed up the fragile coils in my high output moving coil cart... 
Tube Integrated Amp to Drive Floorstanding Speakers?
Just make sure that "on line dealer" has a good return policy. What he recommends might not be to your tastes in sound or may not work well in the room you put this system in. IMHO. 
Help me to choose turntable below 1600$.
AS with Well-Tempered Labs....... 
Subwoofer for classical music listener
You might not have it  dialed in quite right. Some of the imaging problems come from the single sub. you have both channels mixed together which cancels the ambient and phase signals coming from the low frequencies for both Left and Right channels... 
Rega Cartridge Clip Broke Off
For what it's worth. When I said a crimp isn't a very secure connection, I meant that, if you or your dealer decide to solder it, this means you will have to cut the wire and strip off the insulation to do so. The problem with this is you will hav... 
Rega Cartridge Clip Broke Off
A crimp isn't a very secure connection. Can it work? I suppose, but a soldered clip would be the best solution. If you have a small tip, low powered soldering pencil with fresh, small diameter solder you can do it yourself. Place a small ceramic d... 
Help me to choose turntable below 1600$.
You could get a new Well-Tempered Labs Simplex near your price range. I believe it sells for around $1800. If the dealer would give you a 10% discount, it would certainly be in your price range. We're not talking entry level playback here. Even th... 
CD players = dead?
I would say either format is good. I use both. I don't think CD players are dead. There is 30+ years of silver discs out there. Good enough reason in itself to have a CD player in your system..... 
Help me to choose turntable below 1600$.
It's interesting. I read a review of the "new" Technics 1200 DD turntable. It seemed the reviewer liked a Well Tempered Labs turntable just a little bit more. hmmm. A somewhat less expensive table than a Technics with a lot of the Rega's table cha... 
Help me to choose turntable below 1600$.
Rega RP-6. Not cheap junk like another poster suggested. I've owned those DD Technics players back in the 70's and I can tell you the RP-6 with a good cartridge will run all over them. Been there, done that..... 
Subwoofer for classical music listener
Thank you, Al, for your input. It is much appreciated!Tim