
Responses from mr_m

I guess I have to sell my Tekton Enzos
I think every loudspeaker designer feels that way about the evolution of their products. Some say so out loud in print, others keep it secret so as not to offend their customers..... 
KT150's in Rogue Cronus Magnum ii
Andy Bowman really knows tubes. I have gone to him for my 12au7's for my Rogue Pharaoh integrated. My opinion, if your speakers are on the "sharp side 'o cheddar" in the upper mids to low treble region go with the Mullards. If your speakers are a ... 
Please Critique my Setup and Recommend Upgrade(s)
Just my own personal experience. I used to have a Mac C-45 preamp and MC-402 power amp. Had this combo for several years. Tried a Rogue Audio Pharaoh hybrid integrated, and it totally outperformed the Mac gear. Mac Combo= $12k.......Rogue Pharaoh=... 
Tekton Double Impacts
vitop,Don't worry, I am sure Eric will take care of the problem. Customer care is more important than ever these days....Cheers,Tim 
Subwoofer cable
+1 mofimadness 
Tekton Double Impacts
I have a friend that I recommended a pair of loudspeakers to. It was the same brand as my own at the time. He had a dust cap fall off one of the woofers and contacted me about it. He  immediately contacted the manufacturer and they gave him an aut... 
Journey ending speakers
I put a nice retro rig right next  to my main up to date system. I guess I was on a nostalgia kick thinking back to my earlier days of the hobby. After about a year and a half I became very aware of all the short comings that system possessed. It ... 
Legacy Audio Focus SE compared to the Legacy Aeris Speakers
333jeffery,It's interesting how you hi-jacked this Legacy thread. Even if you feel it was unintentional on your part.....The point is, try doing that on one of a half dozen Tekton threads currently going, and see what happens.... 
Silly prices for Nordost cables
Trickle down products. You'd like to think (and hope) every manufacturer would do that... 
Silly prices for Nordost cables
I think many audio manufacturers make cost-no-object products. I think for them, they like to see what they can make with no restrictions. BUT they would be the first to tell you the products they make that are more modest in price are what keeps ... 
Tekton Double Impact phase issues?
Eric. The past speakers I've had with the type of phase characteristics I mentioned were Legacy. I liked their sound and still do. Just had to dial in speaker location and toe-in to minimize. Also minimize the movement of my head while listening. ... 
Tekton Double Impact phase issues?
The one issue with phase problems, to me anyway, is if I'm sitting in the "sweet spot" and just move my head a few inches left or right, a single vocal or instrument may move several feet in any direction. (usually left or right). That creates a h... 
Vandersteen Quatro CT
Phil,Do you feel the Clear Day speaker cables are better than Audioquest's Rocket 88's?Tim 
Tekton Double Impact & Comb Filtering
+ another 1 Kenny 
Tekton Double Impact & Comb Filtering
+1 nonoise,