
Responses from mr_m

Best player for Spotify
Bob,What output do you use between Node and Codex? The only way on Node 2 to a Codex Optical. Thanks.Tim 
Wilson Audio Duette 2's vs Tekton Ulf's
So there you have it. You just thoroughly trounced the OP's buying decision. But that's just you, right???? 
Full MQA music list.
I do agree this setup is somewhat inconvenient. 
Full MQA music list.
I just went into the large MQA section on the link above. I put a title in "My favorites" section on Tidal. It wasn't listed under the "Masters" tab. It still played in it's MQA form. 
Full MQA music list.
Wow! Over 3300 MQA titles!!! 
Tech That Flopped!
Tech That Flopped!
Infinite baffle speakers. A term from the 60's and 70's. Can't remember if it meant a speaker driver mounted in a wall, or a very large sealed cabinet speaker. Or both...... 
Current speaker threads are boring
Corelli,As I said, absolutely no disrespect. And I am by no means, telling anyone to "Get a life." Just was wondering how much could actually be talked about regarding a single product. That's great that you have plenty of time for other things! I... 
MQA DAC or Not?
So far, I'm leaning toward liking MQA. I have a streamer/dac that does the MQA thing and so far results have been pretty good. What I have been listening to  is the MQA on Tidal. And a lot of it sounds very good. Could these be nothing more than v... 
Current speaker threads are boring
I believe, as one poster responded, that this particular thread was probably aimed at Tekton. I can understand the enthusiasm to a point about these speakers but really, the posts have added up to just about 2800 and that is in only  6 months! No ... 
Why do digital coax cables matter?
I won't pretend to know much of the scientific facts about cables and I maybe over simplifying this, but doesn't cable inductance have a large effect on a cables sound. Inductance is affected by length, isn't it??? 
Voxativ loudspeakers and drivers
Voxativ  have caught my interest. Especially the larger models although, I have never heard a pair. Don't they use field coil drivers? Shadorne mentioned use of a "Whizzer cone." isn't that kind of old school for an audiophile Loudspeaker??/Cheers... 
which is better? Stereo Amp or Monoblocks?
Atmasphere,What are the advantages of a loudspeaker system with a 16 ohm nominal rating??? 
My experience is to use higher quality interconnects at the source component. 
Auralic Aries Mini not connecting...
Try a Bluesound Node 2:)