
Responses from mr_m

2017 ‘Keeper’ speakers under - $25K
You mentioned you have a personal gripe with Vandersteen. May I, respectfully, ask?I mentioned the Treo to you earlier, but after reading more of what you require, I think the Vandy Quattro Wood CT with 2Wq subs might meet your need. They don't re... 
Bluesound Node 2
I think the Node 2 uses Sabre DAC's. I think..... 
2017 ‘Keeper’ speakers under - $25K
If you are speaking to me, the Treos are in hard cabinets. The sub has top panels and socks. 
2017 ‘Keeper’ speakers under - $25K
Vandersteen Treo CT. with Vandy 2Wq sub(s). Very good sound that won't break the bank. IMO. 
Tekton Double Impacts
This thread is way to long to sift thru. Have any of you guys directly compared the DI's to any of the latest Vandersteens??? 
Stay away from the nad
I bet you could make one pretty indestructible commode with a single Magico, though(; 
Lampizator Amber II and MacBook Pro With JRiver
Do you need a downloaded driver for USB when using a Mac computer?I thought drivers were only needed for Windows based computers. 
Tekton Double Impacts
Wow. don't recall a thread quite as large as this one for a new product. I am a seasoned audiophile and would like to hear the DI's. BUT, with all the hype, I would do so with a very critical and judgmental ear. Albeit, a fair one. All of you Tekt... 
Bose 901 Series ii
I really think going to a different pair of speakers would make the most sense, the Bose 901's are just so sonically antiquated. I was a young audiophile when they came out, and never did warm up to their sound even back then. Most everyone I knew... 
Best Subwoofer To Use With A Two Way Speaker System
If your amp meets the requirements, you should strongly include the Vandersteen 2Wq subwoofer. It is one of the best integrating subwoofers around. It's super fast and is great for a 2 channel system. IMHO. 
Fm tuner
Another vote for Magnum-Dynalab. Any model. 
Legacy Focus SE. Excellent for Rock/Pop. Does the Jazz thing and vocals equally as well. 
Class D is just Dandy!
Help me to choose turntable below 1600$.
Not sure what to think about the latest $4000 Technics TT, but the older 1200's, 1300's, 1400's, are nothing but junk. Pure crap in my estimation. Simply because I had owned this stuff years ago. Probably good enough for DJ's or pro users with tin... 
Last stylus preservative...anyone still use it?
daveyf. I'm not telling anyone not to buy this product. Just a problem I had. If you or the other posters use it regularly with no problems, by all means, keep using it. Did I put too much on my stylus or use it too often? Possibly. For me it was ...