
Responses from mr_m

Hi Phil,You really got a good price on those Colorados at half price! I think I mentioned to you once before I had the newer Earth interconnects. I bought a 1 meter pair of XLR's for the new price less 15%. I just bought a 1/2 meter pair of Earth ... 
Vandersteen Quatro CT
Besides excellent sound quality, I finally took the Vandersteen plunge after all these years. A large part of my consideration for them was their excellent customer care and their longevity in the industry. We are all aware of buying what was thou... 
Tekton Double Impact & Comb Filtering
oh,oh... someone is going to be taken to the woodshed..... 
Vandersteen Quatro CT
Yes. This thread feels like home to 
Vandersteen Quatro CT
CT. No worries. I have no (Tekton) dog in the fight. I have the Vandy Treo CT with the premium crossovers and a 2Wq sub soon to be two subs. I'm sure you have seen the Tekton thread (almost 2000 posts). I've never seen anything quite like the enth... 
Vandersteen Quatro CT
Ct. Have you had the chance to listen to anybody's Tekton speakers????Tim 
DAC Regenerator and Reclocking Devices
Dave,I was clearly in error when I talked to you about the Regens. It was awhile back when I visited their web site and I obviously didn't digest their description of the ISO version properly. They do describe the newer version as a considerable u... 
Silly prices for Nordost cables
Infection. Actually, I'm a bitter, angry, middle-aged old fart;).....Cheers,Tim 
Tekton Double Impacts
Eric.  No disrespect to you, but aren't you a bit above and a bit more humble than your last post????Tim 
DAC Regenerator and Reclocking Devices
Uptone claims the ISO Regen is vastly superior to the older USB Regen. It would be hard for me to explain the differences to you, but it's more than just the power supply. If you go to their web site, they can explain it to you much better than I ... 
2 Channel Subwoofer connection
Thanks to you, Al, and hifman5. I knew a  lot of these things both of you mentioned, but just couldn't put it into words;) 
2 Channel Subwoofer connection
Matt.Talk to Richard Vandersteen. He can explain to you that a sub can work superbly in the way you say it can't. Yes, I have listened to a Rel Gibraltar 3 at length and the Vandy 2Wq will do everything the Rel does and more. 
Silly prices for Nordost cables
A man came into an audio salon I used to know. He bought tens of thousands of dollars of gear and speakers from this place. While I was in that store looking at the much more modest stuff I could afford, that salon owner looked at me and said, "No... 
Tekton Double Impacts
While Eric is at it, give a pair to Stereophile and the Absolute Sound:) 
Silly prices for Nordost cables
+1,000,000,000   dicockrum