
Responses from mr_m

Ugly vs Gogeous speakers
Tekton does have a few veneer finishes, but from what I read on their web site, you have to wait for your second life to come around before you get them..... 
Tekton Electon/DI compares to what?
Any speaker manufacturer can make a good cost no object loudspeaker. What sets a really good company apart from the rest is when they make a great sounding speaker at a much lower price with cost constraints. I don't believe JBL fits that bill. AN... 
Ugly vs Gogeous speakers
I heard one audiophile say the big Wilson's looked like a stack of ill assorted boxes.... 
Full MQA music list.
Yes. I have the same problem of buffering with Tidal. Not sure if it is at their end or mine. 
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
Doug.......  where are you????? 
Are you seeing more 9/10s?
Question. A guy is selling a fairly expensive pair of ten year old speakers that sound and LOOK like the day he bought them new. How should he grade his speakers? 
DAC>Streamer>MQA>Wireless besides Bluesound
This is not a one box solution, but I have heard the Bluesound Node 2 with a Ayre-Codex Dac is absolute killer. 
Are the folks at Vandersteen ok?
RV, jovial??? lol... 
Ugly vs Gogeous speakers
B&W polarize. I like the 802 looks. I had a pair at one time. I also had a pair of Dahlquist DQ-10's. My wife hated the looks. They looked like cinema screens to her, hence she named them East and West..... 
Full MQA music list.
So please help me understand. Not all of that gigantic list is MQA???? 
Tekton Electon/DI compares to what?
Wow. This Tekton thing has really gone off the rails. I'm glad I just became nothing more than a side line observer. Not sure if I want a audition now. I'm glad you Tekton guys are happy. Don't think I want to be part of it, though..... 
Thiel Customer Service - New ownership is terrible!!! - WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS COMPANY ?
Get the dealer you bought the speakers from involved. Or get a Thiel dealer SOMEWHERE involved. When you pay good money for loudspeakers like that, you deserve better from that manufacturer even if they have restructured. Good luck....Tim 
Sadly missed manufacturers
Soundcraftsman. Made some interesting products. One of which I owned back in the 70's was their PE-2217 preamp/equalizer. It worked wonders on my then Altec-Lansing 846-B's. That was a home version of the VOTT. Ah, that 21st outdoor birthday party... 
Shipping large speakers
My Vandersteen sub was sent UPS Ground. Distance about 500 miles. The original box looked like it went thru a war zone..... 
Best player for Spotify
I'm not one to spend great sums on digital either. It changes way to fast. Would like to try an Ayre Codex with optical to my Node 2. Although I would lose the MQA. If that is important or not....Tim