
Responses from mr_m

Best DAC for my situation...Read on!
Try an Ayre CODEX dac. you will be pleasantly surprised. 
Searching for the most "accurate" speaker (below 15K)
I think I would chose a speaker that is the most "musical" over the most "accurate" Just my opinion..... 
Dealers hijacking the discussions
Oh please,,,,,, don't get him started...... 
Legacy Audio Focus SE to XD upgrade
I totally understand. I haven't owned either speaker, so I can't speak from experience, but I believe the XD has a powered subwoofer section. That said, you can expect an increase in midrange and high frequency resolution as your main amp doesn't ... 
Legacy Audio Focus SE to XD upgrade
Talk to Bill Dudleston of Legacy. He can give you a definitive answer. That is what I did when I bought Legacy and upgraded. 
Here's a fire starter: Analog is as good as SACD
teo_audioI hope your last post was "tongue-in-cheek. At least I think. Damage to inner ear hair cells (nerve) is permanent and irreversible. If said hearing loss is caused by nerve damage. 
Physics of downward firing woofers
The Vandersteen 2Wq sub has 3 eight inch woofers facing downward at the bottom of the cabinet with no holes for woofer exposer. It seems to have slots cut around the bottom outer edges of the cabinet where sound comes out from the back side of the... 
Rate my system and chose the next upgrade
I somewhat agree with Shadorne. I don't think your speakers are terrible, but do think you could improve significantly in that department.Cheers, Tim 
LP's... Do they sound better now than 30 yrs ago?
My experience is many of my older recordings (30 yrs, or older) sound very good and most are very quiet noise wise. Condition of those older pressings is critical though. I have bought newer audiophile records and have had somewhat of a mixed bag ... 
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo
       "the quattro's mostly solve the bass issues of the treo's"                    So will a pair of 2Wq subs. Actually, the Treo's don't really have bass issues. They just don't go quite as low as the Quattro's. Proper placement will enhance an... 
Cartridge Suggestion Requested
Try a Soundsmith Boheme. Smooth, uncolored, dynamic sound. 
Ugly vs Gogeous speakers
Regarding the Duevel's. What part is the burner, and what part is the oven???? 
Upgrade path from Wilson WattPuppy 7s? - seeking advice
     "the sales people would all laugh at them once they left as their lack         of knowledge was staggering"Audiotroy. I don't know about you, but that sounds pretty "literal" to me. No, I haven't read thru the thread completely as I find some... 
Upgrade path from Wilson WattPuppy 7s? - seeking advice
I agree with Ct about laughing at a customer after they left. Dave. Are you that arrogant to do something so childish? I've seen young bitchy little teenage girls do stuff like that, but from a grown man working with customers? Get real. You also ... 
Ugly vs Gogeous speakers
wolf_garcia,Hi wolf! Good to hear from ya!