
Responses from mr_m

Ayre Codex or Bryston
I'm another that hasn't compared the Codex to the Bryston although I have heard many good things about Bryston. I have a Bluesound Node 2 connected to a Codex with a Wireworld superNova 7 glass optical. Yes, I said optical as in toslink and the co... 
Vandersteen Treo CT
tomic601,Bruce has a heck of a good store in San Diego. Been there many times since I moved out to Arizona. Wound up buying a Vandy sub and Bluesound Node 2 streamer there. I'm using a pair of Treo CT's along with the one sub. I have it dialed in ... 
Help with Stereo Setup
Sorry to hear of your Father's passing. He left you a truly great system. One he carefully thought out over the years. I'm sure he wants you to get the same joy and pleasure from that system that he felt when he was alive. You got much good advice... 
Mapleshade Isolation: Does Nothing?
Madavid0,Some years ago I talked to the owner of Mapleshade. I believe his name is Pierre Spraig, (not sure of spelling his name correctly). I talked about the maple blocks he used as support for his systems. I mentioned about butcher block maple ... 
Vandersteen Treo CT
With an integrated amp and using Vandersteen's crossovers, you need a processor loop. A standard tape monitor loop will not work. I have a Rogue Pharaoh integrated with processor loop and it works fine with the Vandersteen crossovers. Using Treo C... 
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo
You might want to use caution in using a XLR to RCA cable with the Codex. I believe Ayre says doing this can damage the Codex. 
Ayre QB-9 DSD or Codex?
I can't believe someone hasn't jumped on the Codex for $1200 in the classified adds. I bought a near mint condition Codex at about the same price here and could not be happier with my purchase. Makes the Bluesound Node 2 sound like a giant killer.... 
Vpi Prime Scout (New) vs Well Tempered
Stereo5I don't believe you are familiar with the Well Tempered turntables. True they don't have the glitz and glamour appearance of the VPI's, but all one has to do is listen to the WT's. Their sonic capabilities are there in spades.....Cheers,Tim 
What is it that you don't like about your Listening Room ?
Have a smallish, 14.5X15.5X9 foot room. Almost square. Does have wall to wall pile carpet with curtains though. Biggest problem is with "slap echo." Think it's coming from front wall near ceiling. I think. Getting pretty good sound except when I t... 
attn vandersteen dealers upgrade my 1ci to 3(latest)
Kinda like a stones throw away, or 
Michael Fremer's system
It's interesting that at the beginning of the video he says it's nobody's business where all his money comes from. Yet he goes to great lengths of explaining what he owns, what he does not, and that he went to a bank to get loans to pay for equipm... 
Best Footers for DAC?
I have a set of Mapleshade Iso feet blocks. I think that's what they're called. The rubber thingys with cork in between them. I tried them under my Dac, and noticed no improvement what so ever. 
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo
As I suspected. If I understand your description of off center, you have a voice coil skewed in its magnetic gap. Good luck with your repair.Cheers,Tim 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
WilllandLook in the A'gon speaker classifieds. There is a pair of Klipsch P-39f Palladiums there right now. 
Michael Fremer's system
Just another reviewer with deep pockets. IMO