
Responses from mr_m

My turntable hates Cat Stevens
I have an older British import of Cat Stevens "Tea For the Tillerman"  Which is an Island recording. Clean and crystal clear with no sibilance I can discern. I have a Well Tempered Labs Amadeus Mk. II  turntable with a Soundsmith Boheme MI cartridge. 
Vandie .7 vs Maggie .7
Agree with Tom. I have a glass optical by Wireworld called the Super Nova 7. It makes a really good case for toslink. Using it to connect my Bluesound Node 2 to my Ayre Codex. 
Turntable upgrade recommendations, please.
Another vote for Well-Tempered Labs Amadeus. 
Picking a Tube integrated amp
+3, Rogue. Pharaoh or Cronus Magnum II. 
Belles Greatest Integrated ever! The Virtuoso
JohnnyR.Sorry about the mistake. The dealer at the time told me Belles had a hand in those amps. I stand corrected and apologize to Dave Belles. Glad to know he didn't have anything to do with those amps. They were terrible. 
How important is the rack you use for your components
audiopoint,I will take you up on your offer for "all expenses paid" to one of your sound rooms. I live in Arizona. Are you game, or just trying to prove a point?Cheers,Tim 
Belles Greatest Integrated ever! The Virtuoso
I believe Belles recently and now, makes wonderful pre, power, and integrated amps. Was not the case back in the mid 80's. He came out with the Moscode tube amps which were shear junk sonically, and reliability wise. I had first hand experience wi... 
Which DAC from this list sounds best with my system: Atoll, Micromega, PS Audio, Simaudio?
Ayre Codex.......IMHO 
McIntosh MC402
I too, owned the Mac 402 for several years. It was a decent serviceable performer ( paired with a SS Mac pre) during that time. But quite by accident I was in need of smaller more compact amplification. I tried out a Rogue Pharaoh class D integrat... 
Vandie .7 vs Maggie .7
Used Ayre Codex... 
Dealers hijacking the discussions
Ct. sounds like a divorce is coming up between you and Ayre..... 
Vandie .7 vs Maggie .7
Changing the terminal strip NOT recommended by Richard V. 
Dude, where's my bass? Oh, lost to stiffened rubber surrounds...who knew?
Does anyone think there would be a difference in repair procedure on rubber surrounds vs. foam??? 
Most satisfying system change in 2017?
Another year above ground, listening to my 'rig. Hoping for many more!!!Cheers,Tim 
Audio Horizons fuses.... won’t buy them again...
Wait a minute.....You say he charges $70 each to repair? Um,,,, don't you just throw it away and get a new one? Sounds like his definition of repair is getting his cost and then some for the replacements. In most applications replacing stock fuses...