
Responses from mosin

Tables That Feature Bearing Friction
I know of one. ;) 
Help, Info on Systemdek OEM tonearm????
It is a Jelco built tonearm, but it has a slightly shorter stylus to pivot distance than current Jelco offerings. All in all, it is a well made piece, but not the best in the world. Still, it is decent performer that will shame some more expensive... 
Tonearm for rega Planar 3
Stanwal,Actually, I don't know if the perfect turntable will ever be built. I do know that the interaction between the device and the associated pieces should be as minimal as possible, no matter who makes it. I don't believe I am the only turntab... 
Tonearm for rega Planar 3
Stanley,I suppose the "without imparting anything detrimental to the outcome" part should have been emphasized more. Anyway, you are correct in that speed alone isn't the end of turntable design. It should be in there, if you want to get the overa... 
Tonearm for rega Planar 3
Hi Stanwal,Of course, it is always the old "garbage in, garbage out" scenario. I don't contest that. I do challenge the concept that a turntable can be good, and still not let a tonearm that fits do its job to the fullest extent. If that is the ca... 
Tonearm for rega Planar 3
I always miss something in these threads. Why should one tonearm be better for one turntable than another? It simply doesn't follow logic. Get the best tonearm you can afford, and put it on the deck you have. I suppose that if the turntable in que... 
Turntable power supply- mains cable?
Hi,I have been experimenting with the Tel-Wire cable in that application, and results are promising. 
Turntable Speed
"The power generated in the US is supposed to be 60 Hz by specification."That can be out of spec in certain places inside this country from time to time. 
Turntable Speed
"A $500 Technics SL1200 mkII will keep speed as accurately as a belt drive turntable costing thousands of dollars."Maybe it will be more accurate than many turntables out there, but it isn't the end all answer to proper speed control. The reason i... 
Triplanar Problem
Thom,I should have used the word template in my post, but didn't. Anyway, I hope everyone got the drift. The old Magnepan Unitrac did use a two-piece jig, and it was extremely effective. That template had a plastic dowel that connected the two pie... 
Triplanar Problem
Gentlemen,This all seems to be much ado because of a template design that really isn't the best possible for the application. I'm am certainly not saying that Herb Papier didn't design an absolutely wonderful tonearm, or that Tre didn't carry the ... 
Linn LP-12 still competitive with the very best?
Nandric,May I use that word, tragicomical? That's a really good word that should be officially allowed into the English lexicon, don't you think? ;) 
Linn LP-12 still competitive with the very best?
The Linn is competitive with the Rega and all the Rega clones out there. God knows there are enough of those, but competitive with the very best? That wasn't really a serious question was it? 
Grounding Hum
Weird, but worth a shot is to try grounding your preamp to a piece of digital equipment, like your CD player or DAC. If that doesn't work, try the same, but with the ground from the turntable to the digital piece. 
Suitable cartridge fore Schroeder reference arm
I have heard a 10" Reference SQ at length with a Lyra Olympos. It is to die for. I imagine the Lyra Titan would give you a taste of that, and it is far more easily available. For a lot less money, the Soundsmith Voice is also very nice. I could ea...