
Responses from mlsstl

Need a program such as pure music with SB touch?
Also, the Logitech Media Server program is free. You can download it even without purchasing one of their players. 
If I Haven't Added Music, Should I Still Back up?
No, I would not repeat a backup if nothing had changed. You are probably increasing the chances of a problem with unnecessary backups. For example, what if the main music drive had developed some corrupted files and you didn't know about the probl... 
Acoustic Zen -- Tsunami II OR Tsunami Plus
Why would you not believe the manufacturer's explanation? They made the product, after all. Or, if you think the manufacturer doesn't know the scoop on their own design (or are misrepresenting things), why would you still want it? 
Pros and Cons of "Staying with" Analog and Vinyl
Dougdeacon wrote: "Why describe what you hear and prefer in emotionally neutral terms while describing what others hear and prefer as "minutia" [sic] of concern only to "golden eared types"? You made many valid points, only to undermine them with... 
Pros and Cons of "Staying with" Analog and Vinyl
Viridian wrote: "There are tons of performances that have only been issued on LP and never remastered on any other format..."There is another option. Over the past 10 years I've converted about 2,000 LP and open reel tapes to digital format. I now... 
Do You Love Music or Do You Love Hi-Fi?
One has to be careful in accusing others of "bad taste". Even famous classical composers often had detractors. Rossini said that Berlioz was "a regular freak without a vestige of talent." Tchaikovsky on Richard Strauss: "Such an astounding lack of... 
will different lengths affect sound
Rrog, actually mine aren't equal. They are custom cut to accommodate the in-joist run. I didn't measure them when installing, but one's around 18' and the other probably 23' or so. Seems to work fine. 
will different lengths affect sound
RE: 6' / 75' and Rrog v. AudiofeilIf the difference in cable length had a serious effect on sound quality, it should have been audible in a disrupted stereo image. Familiarity with the system would not be important. In a 2 speaker system, the phan... 
Logitech Squeezebox sound compared to CD Player
I'll second Mapman's comment. The SB3/Classic and Duet models were fairly good mid-fi in terms of sound quality. They improved substantially with the use of an external DAC.The Touch is significantly better by itself. I know some still prefer an e... 
Why amps, pre-amps, integrated amps???
Separate preamps and power amps have a certain cache that dates back to the days when tube equipment was the only amplification option. The stuff was big and heavy, especially so as an amp's wattage rating increased. A higher power integrated amp ... 
Black Orpheus speaker cables/Straightwire Sextet
If it were me, I'd make a call to Acarian and ask them if the cables are the same. If not, ask for your money back. Even if the same, you still may wish to ask for your money back. The same product can have a significantly different value just bas... 
Logitech Squeezebox sound compared to CD Player
As with any product in audio, you're probably going to get a range of answers. I've had a Squeezebox Touch as my only music source on my system since they came out almost 2 years ago. (And I've had other Squeezebox players for almost 10 years now.... 
At What Point is the Needle Damaging Records?
Stylus microscopes - while it's always nice to have a specially designed, dedicated professional tool for a job, it's a classic mistake to assume that having nothing is the only option if you can't have the fancy one. Some magnification is better ... 
At What Point is the Needle Damaging Records?
Get a loupe or magnifier and carefully examine the stylus. Sometimes you'll find dirt is the issue. A layer of grunge may have built up that does not come off with normal light brushing. It may be difficult for an untrained eye to spot mild wear, ... 
Slight Tube 'Whistle' - Help?
Yes, a circuit can be "hard on tubes" by running them toward the upper end of their designed voltage limits. Or, an off-kilter component elsewhere in the circuit can stress tubes. (I had a CJ tube preamp a few years back that developed a whistle w...