
Responses from mlsstl

WAV versus FLAC
One other comment on Squeezeboxserver - the version doesn't matter. For the common file types, those settings have been in that spot in previous versions for a long time. 
WAV versus FLAC
Vett93, you'll find those settings by clicking on the "Settings" link at the bottom right of the Squeezeboxserver web page. That will open up a new page for Server Settings. Click on the "Advanced" tab and change the dropdown box to "File Types". ... 
WAV versus FLAC
Daverz, I wasn't suggesting that people conduct their experiments for others. In light of the diversity of opinion on this subject, there is only one person who needs to be satisfied with respect to any given system.And, Ted, for the most part the... 
WAV versus FLAC
49 posts later we're back to the same point. Some are fine with FLAC and some aren't.If people are concerned as to which is best for their particular situation, they should experiment and determine their own preference. Unlike many things in audio... 
WAV versus FLAC
To Simontju - as you can see, there are a variety of opinions on this subject. Some don't like FLAC and some find it perfectly fine. It is clear that many in each group went to lengths to compare for themselves. So we're back to the earlier commen... 
WAV versus FLAC
There is no difference in the data between a FLAC and WAV file. The FLAC is a lossless compression format similar to Zip files, but designed for music. If one is hearing a difference between the two formats, there are two possible issues.The first... 
Audio Amateur Yrs. 72-78 Hardback in 3 Volumes?
I sold my original magazine issues on eBay about 10 years ago. I forget the exact price, but it was $200 or $300. That's a long span of time, though, so have no clue if the value has stayed the same, increased or decreased. I also have no idea if ... 
Sound diffusion panels--do they reduce brightness?
Keep in mind the point of listening to music is enjoyment. For most of us, it should not be an exercise in deprivation. Leave the self-flagellation to those working on the fast track to sainthood. What can be useful is to simply experiment a bit. ... 
harman kardon citation 16 amp?????
I think the big thing about these PSBs is they drop to about 4 ohms through a good section of the lower midrange. That can suck a lot of current from an amp, so I'd suggest something with a good reputation at low impedance. A good (but not perfect... 
harman kardon citation 16 amp?????
I was never particularly impressed with this amp, but I suspect $300 isn't too far from the going price if you buy it, though I wouldn't buy it even it were less. A volt meter isn't going to tell you much. The biggest issue with older amps are the... 
Sound diffusion panels--do they reduce brightness?
Two other issues are the equipment and the recordings. You didn't mention the make and model of speakers or the other equipment involved. The reality is the current fashion for a lot of audiophile gear is to sound bright. That's not meant to imply... 
A history question about planar drivers
In reference to patents, the devil is certainly in the details. I believe that patent law is one of the relatively few official subspecialties in law practice; it requires special authorization to practice before the Patent Office. I don't know th... 
A history question about planar drivers
I'm not a patent expert, but in general, one can not patent an "idea" but rather just a specific implementation of it. As for the conventional cone driver as we know it today, that was also patented in the US in 1924 by Rice & Kellogg. However... 
A history question about planar drivers
Yes, the design of electrostatic speakers is much older. There were experimental models in the Bell labs back in the 1920s. Janszen tweeters were available in the early 1950s and Peter Walker came out with the Quad in the mid 1950s. 
A history question about planar drivers
The Magnepan web site states that Magnepan founder Jim Winey developed the magnetic planar speaker and founded the company in 1969. He had heard and liked electrostatic speakers, but as an engineer at 3M at the time, he thought there might be a wa...