
Responses from mlsstl

An audiophile dilemma
It's annoying to see this straw-man debate over and over. Yes, there is often an audible difference between two pieces of equipment. But, we're all human and therefore our perception is influenced by non-audio factors. These include visual aspects... 
An audiophile dilemma
Unless you desperately seeking the approval of others, you should buy what you like. (Even if you admit your likes and dislikes are swayed by popular audiophile opinion, you should still know that you'll never get 100% consensus -- there will alwa... 
Ringing Sound In Tube Gear
The others have hinted at this, but tubes can be microphonic. The glass shell can vibrate with the sound in the room and this can get amplified again. Some brands or types of tubes are worse than others in this regard. Normally one would expect an... 
Is the Squeezebox Touch complicated?
Is Squeezebox Touch being discontinued? Should I wait for the "new and improved" version? Or should I snatch one up before they are all gone?I'd snatch it up -- I think they are a great player.Here's a couple of idle thoughts. First, I doubt that ... 
What is approx. percentage of your total
"Record" collection - just depends on whether one uses the definition from the dictionary (which includes "to cause (as sound, visual images, or data) to be registered on something (as a disc)), or you limit the meaning to an individual's personal... 
Why is my turntable so loud?
Your CD player sends a "line level" voltage to the preamp while the Ortofon is a moving magnet phono cartridge that sends only millivolts to the preamp. The phono input of your preamp has an additional gain stage to bring the low level phono input... 
What is approx. percentage of your total
I'm curious as to someone who has a collection of thousands of records actually knows what they have and how they decide what to listen to.About 10 years ago I decided to make the switch to digital and started converting my LP and open reel collec... 
What is approx. percentage of your total
I've got over 53,000 songs from over 5,000 albums by roughly 2,400 artists on my server. First, I've been collecting music for 45 years. I'm not in the habit of tossing out an old album just because I bought a new one. Second, my musical taste is ... 
Changing Digital Technology
Just curious, is there something unsatisfactory about your BAT CD player? That's a lot of money to spend on modding, especially since non-factory changes often don't help resell value and may even scare off some buyers. Your particular model is al... 
A dilemma: Modern sound, Musical Bliss or both?
I'm somewhat out of sync with the popular trends in high-end systems; in fact I don't care much for the image conjured by the term "audiophile". To the point, I find many of the speakers that are popular with the audiophile crowd to be subtle cari... 
Help the 'PC Audio' bewildered....
Also check out the Vortexbox servers. They are small, run "headless" (no keyboard or monitor) and the 1TB model starts under $500. They also have SOTM models that run in the $2,000 to $3,000 range, depending on options. 
Music to Impress my Kid's Friends?
Can't say I've heard a Grand Funk song since college, but my opinion hasn't changed. However, it's a big world; there is something for everyone. 
Music to Impress my Kid's Friends?
Wouldn't your own kids be the best source of what they and their close friends are listening to? Kids today are no different than we were - different groups, whether high school kids, college age or older, like different artists. I know what I tho... 
HUM - you can catch fish in a dingy too.
One other suggestion - buy a polarity (outlet) checker and make sure the wall socket is correctly wired and grounded. If it isn't, not only could that cause the hum, but it also creates a shock hazard. The checkers are $5 or so at hardware stores. 
Choral Music Suggestions
Run down a copy of "The Tallis Scholars Sing Thomas Tallis" (a 2 CD set on Gimell, Amazon has it new and used). Tallis was a 16th century English composer who wrote both Catholic and Protestant music (remember Henry VIII) but he has some gorgeous ...