
Responses from mlsstl

How does an...
No, changing the winding ratio does not increase "power".If you put 100 watts into a transformer, you will only get 100 watts out (actually slightly less due to efficiency loss). But wattage is voltage times current. If I put in 100 volts at 1 amp... 
How does an...
So by virtue of the 2 windings is how the isolation occurs? They are not connected and electro magnetics is how electricity is induced in the second winding?Yes. I'd just add that most transformers are wound around a steel core that aids the trans... 
How does an...
Do you have a mental picture of how any transformer works? Basically, one has two separate coils of wire that are next to each other, but also electrically insulated one from the other. When AC is applied to one coil of wire, the magnetic properti... 
Floorstanders with a large sweetspot
If you want a large sweetspot, Ohms might be a good candidate for you. They are sold direct, but do have a 4 month home trial period with a money back guarantee. (I think you're still on the hook for return shipping, but still a good deal.) I'm no... 
Tube replacement for Dynaco ST 70
A few years back, I modded a ST-70 and used 6L6GCs for the output. However, I had to replace the bias potentiometer in order to have enough range to accommodate these tubes. Triode Electronics in Chicago has some some driver upgrade boards availab... 
Is the Squeezebox Touch complicated?
Mlsstl - Who spent "big bucks"? Bondmanp, reread my prior post - wasn't referring to you on that point. 
Is the Squeezebox Touch complicated?
Bondmanp wrote: IME, having a server designed for use with the SBT makes life much simpler. I'm with you. I find it interesting that some audiophiles who spend big bucks on interconnects, power cords and other tweaks seem reluctant to have a dedic... 
Is the Squeezebox Touch complicated?
Periodic reboot/recycle of any server type device (once A week or so) is almost always a good idea. My Linux (Fedora Core 12) music server has been up for 235 days straight. The last reboot was when I cleaned the dust out of the box. Didn't even ... 
Can't find Sarai Givaty music on CD
This seems to be your worry, not mine. Good luck with getting it sorted out. 
Can't find Sarai Givaty music on CD
You'd have to ask her as to why she hasn't released an album. Maybe she doesn't have enough material for a whole album, maybe the youtube stuff is all she wants to do, who knows? Have you left a message on one of her fan websites? Lots of actresse... 
Can't find Sarai Givaty music on CD
From what I found, she's primarily an actress, not a singer, and she's released no albums. She does have a cut on a compilation album "Mo-Shic* – Salamat" by YoYo records. Everything seems to be cut from something other than a traditional album or... 
Output watts per tube
There are a number of good tube data manuals on the internet. Here are the numbers from Duncan:Vh - 6.3Ih - 1.5VaMax- 800Vg2Max - 500VhkMax - 100PaMax - 25 (watts)Pg2Max - 8IkMax - 150In short, running full-tilt, you can get 25 watts per tube. Man... 
Is the Squeezebox Touch complicated? that i have an imac it cant even find the netwrk and let me get internet radio...The Touch gets it's IP address from your router, not the PC or iMac. The computer doesn't even have to be on for internet radio. Are you saying the Touch doesn... 
Is the Squeezebox Touch complicated?
...then suddenly stops...even from SD. The SD card may well be your problem. The whole Squeezebox series was originally designed as a "network player", not a standalone device. It works best with LMS (the server program) installed on a well confi... 
Is the Squeezebox Touch complicated?
I've had a Squeezebox Touch for almost 2 years (and other Squeezebox models going back 10 years) and consider it straightforward to use and one of the best buys in audio. One does need enough basic computer knowledge to rip your CDs to your comput...