
Responses from mlsstl

You got to be ?& ยท Kidding me
Yes, they are serious, but others in the opposing camps are equally serious. Each believes what they believe as to what constitutes a better DAC (or amp, or speaker, or pick your item.) The catch is your personal preference should not be subject t... 
Speaker cabinets: How important is inert
No disrespect taken (but then I've never worried too much about that issue one way or the other...) 
Speaker cabinets: How important is inert
Given there are hundreds and hundreds of speakers on the market, there are obviously a variety of opinions as to what is the best approach to speaker design. The Vas parameter is used in determining the bass performance of the speaker. One can mod... 
Speaker cabinets: How important is inert
With speaker drivers housed in cabinets, the fundamental issue is what does one do with the rear wave from the back side of a driver? That wave is just as strong as the front one. That energy does not magically go away, so it must be taken into ac... 
ADS L-810's way to bright?
ADS always had a reputation for being a bit bright, but it is difficult to tell from your message if your problem is something being broken or just the speaker is OK and just not a good match for you. Are these new-to-you speakers or did something... 
Tannoy VS Dynaudio
Tannoy and Dynaudio are two completely different animals. Their respective "house sound" is just going to be different and it is not surprising that you prefer one over the other. Cost really doesn't have a lot to do with which you prefer. You may... 
Negative Feedback a deal killer?
Audiophiles are often fond of attributing all sonic traits of a component to a single issue. It's rather analogous to a car buff assigning everything about an engine's performance to cubic inches. It is almost never that simple for either audio co... 
How to check my preamp for a DC leak
Intermittent problems are among the hardest to run down. It could be an issue of a bad capacitor that only misbehaves when it charges to a certain point. Or it could be temperature related or tied to the type of signal. Cold solder joints are also... 
78 rpm & related cds
The main thing to remember with 78s is the groove size is different from 45s & 33s so requires a cartridge with a 78-sized stylus. While 78s will play with a regular cartridge needle, it tends to ride the bottom of the 78 groove and is far noi... 
One of my speakers sounds louder then the other.
Also check the position of the speakers in the room as well as differences in reflective surfaces/distances between left and right. Asymmetrical configurations can cause one speaker to appear louder than the other even if they are actually the sam... 
Monitors for a small room - please help
Sounds like you might be interested in one of the descendants in the BBC monitor lineage. Both Spendor and Harbeth make speakers you'd probably enjoy. 
Speaker grills?
Keep in mind that some speakers are designed to actually be more neutral with their grills on. Harbeths are a good example. That doesn't mean some might not like them better with the grill off. That's somewhat the same effect as tweaking the trebl... 
balanced connection, better than single ended?
A true balanced line interconnection circuit needs to be present in both of the devices being connected in order to realize any advantage. For many years balanced line connections were mostly used in professional applications where long cable runs... 
Gain levels after ripping...
A pure unprocessed rip of a CD will retain the volume data exactly as it was on the CD. Some ripping programs may allow volume adjustment when ripping but that can be turned on or off, if even present. And many of the programs for computer play of... 
How to check my preamp for a DC leak
I'll add that the preamp should be on when you make the test, but with no signal playing. It also might be worth checking your source players for DC leaks. Depending on the preamp design, there is the possibility the preamp is fine but is passing ...