
Responses from mlsstl

network storage servers
Check out the Votexbox appliances. They run "headless" (i.e., no monitor or keyboard needed) and are controlled from your laptop, tablet, smartphone or other computer. They can output directly to an amp or DAC, or can stream to another device such... 
Broken Mcintosh Meters
You'll need to determine if the meter itself is physically bad or the circuit driving it. If you've got any sense of adventure, the first step would be to remove the cover and make sure a connection hasn't come loose. Beyond that, you'll need test... 
How Black is Your Background?
We've basically got three different reference points going in this discussion: 1) the definition of complete silence; 2) what's going on in the quiet parts of a recording; and 3) the background noise and linearity of the playback system. For numbe... 
Ultrasonic Filter?
Only the subsonic filter is for low frequency turntable noise & feedback. The ultrasonic filter is for high frequency interference above the normal range of human hearing. Some amps are sensitive and can oscillate if the signal includes very h... 
DIY Music Server.
One decision to make is whether you want the server that stores the music located in the listening room or elsewhere. There's a good argument for having the computer server located away from the music room but then you need to get the music from p... 
Which Sugden for my Spendors?
Don't know if tubes are in your playbook, but I have a pair of Spendor SP1/2Es and use an Image Audio 65i amp. It has KT88 outputs (and can also use 6550s) and makes for a perfect match in my book. 
How Black is Your Background?
My advice is the OP shouldn't waste too much time worrying about a precise interpretation of an audio buzz word as embellished by a bunch of wanna-be Truman Capotes. 
Spendor SP 1/2R - opinions?
Robert E. Greene (REG) gave a very detailed review of this speaker in the December 2011 edition of The Absolute Sound. It would be worth your while to run it down. He also did a review of the original SP1/2 several years back. It was perhaps one o... 
Why do digital coax cables matter?
I rest my case....;-) 
Why do digital coax cables matter?
Think of the range of answers to your question as a knob on your amplifier. You can turn it from hard left (7 o'clock) to hard right (5 o'clock). Or you can stop at any point in between.Say hard left is the "complete skeptic" setting. If you put y... 
An audiophile dilemma
Not sure how this got missed in this discussion, but a major factor in the preference for this speaker over that one goes back to the fact that people differ considerably as to how they prioritize the many sonic variables involved. On a very simpl... 
Why my left speaker sounds louder then my right
I do have hearing loss in my right ear. I just move the balance control to favor the right side and things now sound normal.I've always wondered how one moves the balance control to the right on live music and sounds.... ;-) 
Why my left speaker sounds louder then my right
There's a good chance that the difference you hear is caused by asymmetry in the room acoustics and not the electronics or speakers. In a good setup, a mono source should appear as a phantom image in between the two speakers. The way to check that... 
Amplifier recommendation for Spendor SP3/1P
If you want to stick with solid state, you should be able to pick up a used Naim, Cambridge Audio or even Rega amp in your price range. 
Amplifier recommendation for Spendor SP3/1P
I owned a pair of Spendor SP3/1Ps for several years, using them in a second system. The good news is they are an easy load and don't seem very particular about amps. I had used mine with a variety of amps, from a Bel Canto S300 class D to a refurb...