
Responses from mlsstl

Inexpensive headphone amp paired with an audiophile integrated amp
If the headphone amp has a proper line-level input circuit with appropriate input impedance (say 10K ohms or higher), it will not affect the sound quality of the integrated amp when playing the speakers. Schiit makes some good headphone amps that ... 
Visual Confirmation Bias
Congrats to the OP for recognizing he is human! Lots of people with the disease of audiophilism are unable to recognize that their perception is subject to the human frailties of both conscious and unconscious bias.  
Schiit Freya+(Plus)
No, the volume control on the Freya+ continues to work in the passive mode -- you just bypass the gain stages. Of course, the passive mode only offers unity gain. You will also lose the ability to convert single ended input into a differential out... 
Simple, small footprint tube preamp ?
Check out the Schiit Saga+. It meets all of your criteria -- small footprint, has a tube that is easily changed, and is only $400 new. I have one in my system and have been very pleased with it -- extremely quiet, very low distortion and a good fr... 
Opinion: of the Hi-Res streaming services out there, which do you use and why?
Just curious -- how many separate threads does this subject need? It has been discussed many times before.  
Pass labs x260.8 versus xa160.8
Your original posted centered about the question of why there were so many more used listings of one model versus the other.   The thing to keep in mind is that while one person's individual experience will tell you about their personal experience... 
Pass labs x260.8 versus xa160.8
What we don't know, and what Pass is unlikely to share with anyone, is just how many of each model has been sold in the marketplace. How many units are sold new often dictates how many are available on the used market more than buyers being satisf... 
Are the new Ohm Walsh speakers Audiophile quality?
Regarding power needs for the Ohms, the question is how loud do you listen?  I'm currently running my Ohm 1000s with a Schiit Aegir amp which is 20 watts/ch at 8 ohms and 40 watts at 4 ohms. (The Ohm 1000s and bigger are 6 ohm speakers.)  I am rea... 
Source material for digital files?
There is nothing for which you need to apologize. It was a good question. And I tried to give you an answer that put things in context. All of our recorded music, regardless of format, is and has been, subject to the degree of care and competence ... 
Source material for digital files?
When a record company says they've given you a 16/44.1K or a 24/96K file, you pretty much just have to take their word for it. Yes, there are some tests you can run to see if there is any data in the file above 22K but even if there isn't, that's ... 
Jaw Dropping Improvement?
The problem is what constitutes "jaw dropping"?  Having read audio magazines and forums for decades, what it takes to make someone's jaw drop can vary considerably from person to person.   Since you seem to be budget conscious, here are two consid... 
Streamer with R2R DAC
Delta-sigma DACs, while they can have very impressive technical specs, still give an approximation of the original signal. In medical and scientific fields, delta-sigma DACs aren't used because they give "approximate" results. Even if the approxim... 
Source material for digital files?
They are going to use what the record companies give them, whether it is new music that was recorded digitally or old material that was originally recorded to open reel. At some point, the record company has converted the tape to digital, and this... 
DAC upgrade?
I am very fond of the Schiit multibit DACs (I have a Bifrost) -- I prefer the sound of ladder DACs over the Delta-Sigma options.  
Is Raspberry Pi 4B that good!
@ghulamr -- The general lack of write-ups about Raspberry Pis on the audiophile online magazines is probably due to a couple of factors. A big one is there are no significant advertising dollars to be had from RPi articles, and in fact, any promot...