
Responses from mlsstl

Schiit Freya order delay, no clue when it will arrive
I just checked their web site and they say the Freya is "in Production, Ships 7-10 days." They've been accurate concerning the availability of items I've bought in the past, so hopefully this is correct.  
Advice on a budget R2R DAC
@kalali  -- where did you get your Mulitbit information? They are R2R designs. From the Schiit web site: "Today, virtually every DAC uses a reduced-bit technology known as "delta sigma." Multibit DACs have largely gone by the wayside, thanks to le... 
Flat speaker sound/preamp the culprit?/external EQ needed?
You may also have a feedback issue. Turntables can be very sensitive to this and need to be well isolated. Kind of like having a microphone too close to the speakers on a PA system. However, with turntables, instead of a squeal, the feedback is in... 
Advice on a budget R2R DAC
Have you considered one of the Schiit Multibit (R2R) DACs? Two of their three models are within your price range brand new -- the Bifrost and Gungnir -- and have good reputations. The Schiit DACs are designed by Mike Moffat, one of the legends in ... 
Michi X-5 Integrated amplifier (Where to buy?)
If you check out the Rotel web site, it looks like there are 10 or 11 dealers here in the U.S. which is where your profile shows you're located. I'd suggest working with one of them. If you buy it directly from overseas, you'll end up with a gray ... 
Room correction, DSP for dummies.
@recluse -- if you want to experiment on a relatively low cost basis, here's an option for you. Buy a Raspberry Pi 3B+ or 4 ($30 or $40) along with a HiFiBerry DAC+DSP Hat (under $100 and fits on the RPI). A case for the boards, a power supply and... 
Does Step-up transformer affect the Sound Quality?
For a DAC, using a decent quality step-up transformer should not be an issue. The power from your local generating plant has already been though a number of transformers to change voltage before it got to your house. Adding one more to the string ... 
Anyone heard Schiit's Aegir?
So far, I have no complaints about bass quality with the Aegir. My prior amp was a Hypex nCore and before that, a Bel Canto Ice amp. I detected no loss of bass quality with the Aegir.  
Anyone heard Schiit's Aegir?
Thanks, George. That's a good idea for those who listen at loud volumes and have speakers that accommodate using two amps configured as you suggest. However, that wouldn't work for me. Ohms have just one driver that handles the whole range up to 8... 
Anyone heard Schiit's Aegir?
The thing to remember about amp power and volume is that the wattage is a logarithmic relationship to loudness, not linear. Each 3 dB increase in volume level requires double the power.   In my case, if 2 watts average = 85 dB, going to 95 dB woul... 
Anyone heard Schiit's Aegir?
My Aegir just arrived a few days ago, but I'm very impressed. I was worried about the relatively low power (prior amp was a Hypex nCore with 150 watts/ch) and my medium efficient speakers (Ohm 1000s at 88 dB).  The Aegir should put out around 30 w... 
is Hi-Res all that?
For me, the techniques employed by the producer, recording engineer and mastering engineer are far more important than the storage format used for delivering the product to the consumer.  Like any other product, audio recordings are subject to the... 
Do speaker wires matter
Issues not discussed yet -- at what volume do you listen and how big is the room?  The power needed by a speaker is logarithmic, not linear. At the sensitivity noted in earlier posts, 1 watt of amp power should give you 83 dB of volume at one mete... 
DAC's Made in the USA
You should also consider a Schiit DAC. They have several models under your price point, specifically the Bifrost ($700), Gungnir ($900) and the Gungnir Multibit ($1,300). The Bifrost and Gungnir Multibit are ladder DACS while the base Gungnir is a... 
Biamping with a tube and SS combo
Read your owners manual and see what your speakers support. To bi-amp, the mid/tweeter drivers (and their portion of the crossover) need to be electrically isolated from the woofer and its section of the crossover. You DON'T want the output of the...