
Responses from mlsstl

Schiit - shipments stopped?
Sounds like you are treating the Freya's "passive" mode option as a HT bypass.   That's not what the passive mode was intended for and nothing in their literature or owners manual indicates anything about its use as a HT bypass feature.  Sounds li... 
Most rooms don’t need acoustical treatment.
@jumia -- I think you misunderstand the general direction of this thread.   The subject of room acoustics is well understood by those who have studied it extensively. However, it is not an issue where an amateur can do a five minute Google search ... 
Streamer wanted
Just a reminder that you can find a "Google post" with a negative (or positive or neutral) opinion about anything in the world.   Every piece of gear has its advocates and naysayers, plus a whole bunch more who don't care one way or the other.  Th... 
Most rooms don’t need acoustical treatment.
The "knowing how a car works" is still a valid analogy.  While many have a general understanding of how engines, brakes and steering work, very few of us are mechanical engineers and have a detailed understanding of the design details and why cert... 
Are the new Ohm Walsh speakers Audiophile quality?
Just shows that opinions are a dime a dozen in this hobby. I also owned a set of the original Ohm Fs in the mid-1970s. While I enjoyed them immensely, I find my current Ohm 1000s equally enjoyable (and easier to deal with.)   The key is for each p... 
Are warm or colored speakers disrespectful of musicians/producer/engineers?
Since all systems sound different -- even the same equipment when in different rooms -- no one knows what the musician, engineer and producer "intended" unless you were present in the studio with them when the session was recorded.    So, for most... 
If you don't have a wide sweet spot, are you really an audiophile?
I'm another Ohm Walsh fan.    I haven't seen this mentioned in this thread, but when I go to live music performances, I rarely sit in the same spot. One gets a slightly different perspective when in different areas of the venue. That is one thing ... 
Tone control altered Balance ?
Could be the recording. If the tracks or album being played had the bass instruments positioned more to one side than the other in the recording, turning up the bass could indeed make the sound appear shift in that direction.  I'd suggest you try ... 
Are the new Ohm Walsh speakers Audiophile quality?
I owned a set of the original Ohm Fs and now have a set of Ohm 1000s (though with a recent move that has a larger listening room, I may upgrade to one of the larger models.) A couple of observations.  The inside of the cans that cover the down-fac... 
What do you use for streaming Classical?
The Roon subscription is for Roon alone. It does not automatically include Tidal or any other streaming service. (In fact, you could use Roon to manage nothing more than one's own local collection of music files.)   Roon plays nicely with the Sque... 
MM Phono preamp under $200 Recommendations
I don't have one but have read nice things about Schiit's "Mani" phono preamp. I have several other pieces of their equipment and have been very impressed by both the build and sound quality of their gear.  
Why would 2 schiit aegir amps sound the same as 1?
The Freya preamp has 12 dB gain available and the Aegir power amp has 22 dB gain available.  Schiit's web site gives no indication that those numbers change when you run in the balanced mode (with 2 Aegirs as monoblocks)  or as a single-ended syst... 
Preamp or not.
Power and sensitivity should not be an issue for you. The Pass amp needs roughly 1.25 volts input for its full 25 watt output at 8 ohms. Your Topping, at 2 volts max out, has more than enough to drive the Pass, so with your efficient speakers, you... 
Preamp or not.
If you are getting the volume you need from your existing setup, then you don't need a preamp with any gain.   The problem with controlling the volume from the DAC is that this is often done by reducing the number of bits going to the DAC, which r... 
Solution for Schitt Loki wall-wart power supply?
If you read the "specs" tab for the Loki on Schiit's web site, you'll note that it states their "wall wart" uses a transformer for the power supply.