
Responses from mlsstl

Tri-Art Class D
Looks like a standard issue, nameless class D module with a buffer tube in a bamboo wood case.  Cost is not stated on their web site.  Doesn't seem very interesting unless one is gaga about the appearance of the box.  
And Now, For All You Omni Fanatics
Doug, thanks for your post and the review. I had a pair of the original Ohm Fs back in the mid-1970s -- still one of  my all time favs. I have a pair of the smaller Ohm 1000s these days, but with an added subwoofer, they do everything I want.  
Dropouts From Server
Why did you have to replace the entire NAS due to the failure of a single drive?  The whole point of a RAID configuration is that you should only have to replace the defective drive, not the whole unit. Sounds like there is a problem with the new ... 
Need opinions on duping CD's
It is not illegal to copy your own music for yourself, whether to move CDs to a music server, make a "mix tape", or just have a backup. The key is that the duplication is for your personal use. It only becomes technically illegal when you pass the... 
Ohm Walsh speakers in the 21st century
I had a pair of the original Ohm Fs back in the mid-1970s. They were great speakers and always regretted selling them.  Fast forward to 2018, and a lot of different speakers in the interim, and I went back to a set of Ohm 1000s. I really enjoy the... 
Roon/Qobuz lost 7000 files
I don't use Roon, but do have a Qobuz subscription. I use "Favorites" a lot and have only ever "lost" two albums. One was Mark Knopler "Privateering" which is now limited to 30 second tracks after originally being fully available. That's a copyrig... 
Quobuz Connection
If youi want a good quality streamer/dac that is small and portable, you might consider the Fiio line. They have a good reputation and the various versions of their top model -- the M15 -- are all within your budget.  
Upgrade from Schiit Bifrost 2?
The Bifrost 2 has a five year warranty. Aren't you going to get it fixed?  
Excellent Speakers for Classical Music - $2,000 USD Budget
Between B&W or Spendor, there would be no question for me. Between those two, Spendor is the far more natural sounding speaker to my tastes.  
Excellent Speakers for Classical Music - $2,000 USD Budget
I also listen to a lot of classical music and can recommend Ohm speakers. I have the 1000s which are right at your $2K price point.  Ohm gives a 120 in-home trial -- you only pay shipping if you return them.  
Schiit customer service seems poor
I've bought 4 different pieces of Schiit gear over the past year at different times. All were shipped and received within the promised window and the few questions I had were answered promptly. I've been very pleased with my purchases.   I think s... 
Low power amps and speaker damage?
Here is the basis for the widely-stated comment that low power amps can blow speakers.   Music is mostly complex sine waves. When an amp is overdriven, it starts clipping. Clipping flattens the tops of the signal, increasingly turning them into sq... 
Schiit Audio (or other) DAC Recommendations
I agree with @docknow -- the multibit Schiit DACs are excellent. I much prefer them to the delta-sigma DACs I've used.  
Are the new Ohm Walsh speakers Audiophile quality?
It bears repeating that ANY speaker will have its proponents and detractors, no matter how fancy, expensive or exotic. Pick a brand -- any brand -- Magico, Wilson, Moon, Wisdom and so on, and you'll find people who don't like their sound or even t... 
Sometimes it's just your GD router flickering out!!
Strange -- I don't think I've ever had a problem with any of the many wireless routers I've used over the years. Wonder if you are running into interference problems from a neighbor or two.