
Responses from mlsstl

Benefits of a "streaming hub"?
It all depends on what you mean by "streaming."  Many think of it as a player that will connect to the internet and play songs from your Tidal, Qobuz or Spotify (etc.) account.  Others think of it as a way to put the PC or device holding your loca... 
Schiit - shipments stopped?
Emergingsoul... you still have to get it before you can sell it.  ;-)  
Schiit - shipments stopped?
The March 25th date now shows on their web site for this one product.  
High Frequency Oscillation hurt resistors in Magico A5 crossovers
Actually, music played at any volume that the speaker was designed to handle rarely contains enough high frequency material to damage a tweeter.  Most often tweeter damage is caused by amp clipping -- the clipped signal basically becomes square wa... 
High Frequency Oscillation hurt resistors in Magico A5 crossovers
Strikes me a bit odd for a passive resistor to blow before the tweeter itself, but perhaps they designed it that way on purpose to protect the tweeter -- resistors are usually a lot cheaper to replace than tweeters.  But, I know nothing about Magi... 
Amp pairing questions
I do need to make a correction. The 3.9 amp draw is at 4 ohms. The 8 ohm draw is about half of that, just under 2 amps. Sorry for the mistake -- sometimes I type too fast.    
How to Eliminate Hum? CDP + Pass Preamp + Amp Setup.
Have you checked your outlets with a receptacle tester? It is possible that circuit in your house is wired backwards or has a missing ground. Or, that one of the power cords you are using is bad.   And don't leave the CDP out of the picture. It co... 
Schiit - shipments stopped?
The more I read this thread the more convinced I become that the OP has found his way onto Dean Wormer's double-secret probation list.... 
Amp pairing questions
The amplifier doesn't "detect" anything about the speakers.  Here's how it works for a solid state amp:  Your Pass amp is capable of a voltage output of about 15.5 volts.  This is true no matter the impedence of the speakers. Using the standard fo... 
Schiit - shipments stopped?
I realized the OP is on his bandwagon  and has zero interest in getting off, but I ordered a Bifrost 2 on 12/20/20. It was backordered for a short while with an indicated shipping date of 1/15/21.  It actually shipped last week on 1/7/21 and my Fe... 
Any way to listen to wav or high bit files with anything approaching audiophile sound?
I'm confused -- you mention your own music is on CD (not LP) and you apparently consider this appropriately "audiophile" for your needs. Then you ask if "digital" files are just as good.  The thing to understand is that CDs are digital files. They... 
Speaker selector box. Are there any worth using?
Speaker selector boxes put one more switch between your amp and the speakers. Even when new, that's one more spot to add a bit of resistance to the wire run between the amp and speakers, and time will not help things.  That said, years ago built-i... 
Integrated Tube Amp Demo Follow-up
Just a comment to @gareents.  You said: "When I say easily, normal listening levels were at only one quarter volume on the three tube amps. At half volume, the sound level in the room became uncomfortable"  Just a technical note -- the position ... 
Schiit amps, freya preamp
I have an Aegir and have had zero problems with it in spite of the fact that it is lower power than recommended for my Ohm 1000 speakers. It plays as loud as I want with ample headroom and shows no sign of stress. It has never shut down on me, eve... 
Schiit amps, freya preamp
I've got a Saga+ and the tube on that has zero microphonics or noise. It is as quiet a preamp as I've ever had, solid state or tube. But, to each their own.